BEE 4150 - Engineering Ethics and Professional PracticeFall. 3 credits. Student option grading. Enrollment limited to: senior or graduate student standing and engineering. Co-meets with BEE 6150 . R. Evans, M. Timmons. An in-depth treatment of the ethical issues facing an engineer practicing in today's business and cultural environment. Course will present the engineering code of ethics and an engineer's responsibility to guard the public's health, welfare, and safety. In that context, competing ideologies will be identified that creates conflicts in choice. Several case histories will be explored to identify conflicting ideologies. Students are asked to develop their own personal statement of ethics and to construct personal professional goals. Outcome 1: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Outcome 2: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. Outcome 3: A knowledge of contemporary issues. |
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