Dec 28, 2024
Courses of Study 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Performing and Media Arts|
- PMA 1200 - Dance Technique I (crosslisted)
- PMA 1320 - Indian Dance (crosslisted)
- PMA 1610 - Production Laboratory
- PMA 1611 - Performance Laboratory
- PMA 1640 - Computing in the Arts (crosslisted)
- PMA 1670 - Student Laboratory Theatre Company
- PMA 2210 - [Dance Technique II/Classical] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2220 - Dance Technique II/Modern (crosslisted)
- PMA 2250 - Explorations in Movement and Performance (crosslisted)
- PMA 2260 - Hip-Hop, Hollywood, and Home Movies: Movement and Media (crosslisted)
- PMA 2270 - Public Voice and Civic Gesture (crosslisted)
- PMA 2280 - [Dance Improvisation]
- PMA 2300 - Beginning Dance Composition (crosslisted)
- PMA 2402 - Introduction to Japanese Film (crosslisted)
- PMA 2540 - Introduction to Film Analysis: Meaning and Value (crosslisted)
- PMA 2560 - [Survey of American Film] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2565 - [Cinema and Migration] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2600 - Fundamentals of Theatre Design and Technology
- PMA 2605 - [Theater, Sport, and Spectacle: Performance and Competition in Greece and Rome] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2610 - Production Crew Laboratory
- PMA 2611 - Stage Management Laboratory
- PMA 2633 - Music as Drama: An Introduction to Opera (crosslisted)
- PMA 2635 - The Comic Theatre (crosslisted)
- PMA 2640 - [Theatrical Makeup Studio]
- PMA 2650 - [The American Musical] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2660 - Television (crosslisted)
- PMA 2670 - Shakespeare (crosslisted)
- PMA 2680 - Desire (crosslisted)
- PMA 2690 - [Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies] (crosslisted)
- PMA 2730 - Introduction to Dramatic Writing
- PMA 2800 - Introduction to Acting
- PMA 2810 - Acting I
- PMA 2820 - Standard American Stage Speech
- PMA 2830 - Voice and Speech for Performance
- PMA 2840 - Speech and Dialects for Performance
- PMA 3000 - Independent Study
- PMA 3210 - Dance Technique III/Classical (crosslisted)
- PMA 3220 - Dance Technique III/Modern (crosslisted)
- PMA 3225 - Mapping the Moving Body I
- PMA 3226 - History: The Body in Performance
- PMA 3227 - The Moving Body in Media and Performance (crosslisted)
- PMA 3230 - [Writing Dance Criticism]
- PMA 3235 - [Dance Repertory]
- PMA 3300 - Intermediate Dance Composition I
- PMA 3301 - Intermediate Dance Composition II
- PMA 3350 - Technology and the Moving Body I (crosslisted)
- PMA 3351 - Transpositioning the Body I
- PMA 3380 - Ancient/Modern Corpo-Realities (crosslisted)
- PMA 3410 - [Screening Cosa Nostra: The Mafia and the Movies from Scarface to The Sopranos] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3411 - Rome on Film (crosslisted)
- PMA 3415 - [Weimar Cinema] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3436 - Location of European Film History
- PMA 3437 - Poetic Montage
- PMA 3440 - [American Film Melodrama] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3441 - [Edge Cities: Celluloid New York and Los Angeles] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3444 - [Animation Workshop: Experimental and Traditional Methods]
- PMA 3445 - Animation History and Practice
- PMA 3451 - [Radio and Sound Art Since 1945] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3460 - [Film Noir] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3470 - The Moving Image and the Environment
- PMA 3490 - [Political Theory and Cinema] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3500 - [Digital Media Studio]
- PMA 3505 - Blaxploitation Film and Photography (crosslisted)
- PMA 3515 - Video and New Media: Art, Theory, Politics (crosslisted)
- PMA 3516 - Post Production Audio for Film/Video
- PMA 3517 - Digital Habitats
- PMA 3530 - International Film of the 1970s (crosslisted)
- PMA 3531 - Screenwriting I
- PMA 3532 - Screenwriting II
- PMA 3550 - Global Cinema I (crosslisted)
- PMA 3551 - Global Cinema II (crosslisted)
- PMA 3570 - Introduction to 16mm and Digital Filmmaking
- PMA 3571 - Introduction to Digital Filmmaking: Documentary Workshop
- PMA 3590 - [Modern Documentary Film] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3610 - Intermediate Production Laboratory
- PMA 3614 - Creative Character Design
- PMA 3615 - Costume Construction Studio
- PMA 3616 - Costume History: From Fig Leaf to Vanity
- PMA 3620 - Lighting Design Studio I (crosslisted)
- PMA 3625 - [Theatrical Drafting and Technical Drawing Studio]
- PMA 3626 - CAD Studio for Theatre Design
- PMA 3640 - Scenic Design Studio
- PMA 3650 - Automated Lighting and Control Systems
- PMA 3660 - Costume Design Studio
- PMA 3661 - [Costume Design Studio II]
- PMA 3665 - [Stage Management Studio]
- PMA 3670 - [Themed Entertainment: The Technical Perspective]
- PMA 3671 - [Stagecraft Studio]
- PMA 3680 - Sound Design and Digital Audio (crosslisted)
- PMA 3690 - Music, Dance, and Light (crosslisted)
- PMA 3721 - [Japanese Theatre: Space, Sound, and Spectacle] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3723 - [Opera and Culture] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3724 - The Tragic Theatre (crosslisted)
- PMA 3725 - Words and Music (crosslisted)
- PMA 3745 - English Drama 1660-Present (crosslisted)
- PMA 3750 - Global Stages I
- PMA 3751 - Global Stages II
- PMA 3755 - [Queer Performance] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3756 - [Performative Modernism] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3757 - American Drama and Theatre (crosslisted)
- PMA 3758 - [Contemporary American Theatre] (crosslisted)
- PMA 3760 - Theater, Film and Thought in the Early 20th Century (crosslisted)
- PMA 3761 - Literature and Film of South Asia (crosslisted)
- PMA 3800 - [Acting II]
- PMA 3805 - [Playwriting]
- PMA 3806 - [Advanced Playwriting]
- PMA 3815 - Acting in Public: Performance in Everyday Life
- PMA 3840 - [Commedia: A Contemporization of Physical Acting Styles and the Comic Approach]
- PMA 3860 - Solo Performance
- PMA 3865 - On the Fringe - New Plays in Development
- PMA 3870 - Movement for the Actor
- PMA 3871 - Introduction to Meisner Technique
- PMA 3880 - Fundamentals of Directing I (crosslisted)
- PMA 3886 - Shakespeare Out Loud (crosslisted)
- PMA 3900 - Special Topics (crosslisted)
- PMA 4000 - [Senior Studio]
- PMA 4190 - American Shakespeare
- PMA 4210 - Dance Technique IV/Classical (crosslisted)
- PMA 4220 - Dance Technique IV/Modern (crosslisted)
- PMA 4225 - Mapping the Moving Body II
- PMA 4300 - Advanced Dance Composition I
- PMA 4301 - Advanced Dance Composition II
- PMA 4350 - Technology and the Moving Body II (crosslisted)
- PMA 4351 - Transpositioning the Body II
- PMA 4370 - [50’s Movie Musicals and Modernism]
- PMA 4371 - Performing Modernism in the Chinese Body (crosslisted)
- PMA 4410 - Introduction to Media Theory (crosslisted)
- PMA 4462 - [Federico Fellini] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4420 - [Cinematography]
- PMA 4471 - The Appeal of Korean Film (crosslisted)
- PMA 4510 - West German Cinema, 1965 - 1985 (crosslisted)
- PMA 4530 - [Film and Spiritual Questions]
- PMA 4540 - Jung, Film, and the Process of Self-Knowledge
- PMA 4550 - [Film/History/Ideology: The Polish Case]
- PMA 4560 - [Seminar I in Cinema]
- PMA 4561 - Seminar II in Cinema (crosslisted
- PMA 4570 - Intermediate Film and Video Projects
- PMA 4580 - [Intermediate Film and Video Projects: Narrative Workshop] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4585 - [Advanced Film and Video Projects] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4610 - Advanced Production Laboratory
- PMA 4612 - [Aristophanes and Greek Comedy: The Birth of Comedy] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4620 - Lighting Design Studio II (crosslisted)
- PMA 4640 - [Scene Design Studio II]
- PMA 4650 - [Text Analysis for Production: How to Get from the Text onto the Stage] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4660 - Adaptation: Text/Theatricality (crosslisted)
- PMA 4670 - [Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Seminar] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4675 - Shakespeare in (Con)text (crosslisted)
- PMA 4800 - [Acting III: Advanced Scene Study]
- PMA 4801 - Advanced Studies in Acting Techniques
- PMA 4805 - [Parody] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4815 - [Theory of the Theatre and Drama] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4820 - [Theatre and Society: Asian Cultures] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4825 - [Staging Dissent: Theater and Social Change]
- PMA 4835 - [Ritual, Play, Spectacle, Act: Performing Culture]
- PMA 4840 - [Gossip] (crosslisted)
- PMA 4865 - The Female Dramatic Tradition (crosslisted)
- PMA 4870 - [Transnational Imagination: A Seminar on Modern Theatre and Cultural History]
- PMA 4875 - [Seminar in Playwriting]
- PMA 4880 - Fundamentals of Directing II
- PMA 4890 - Practicum in Directing
- PMA 4950 - Honors Research Tutorial I
- PMA 4951 - Honors Research Tutorial II
- PMA 4952 - Undergraduate Internship
- PMA 4960 - Studies in Biorisk Media (crosslisted)
- PMA 4962 - Pirate Humanities (crosslisted)
- PMA 4963 - Neurosis and Systemic Risk (crosslisted)
- PMA 6441 - Aesthetics of Excess: Psycho-Philosophical Approaches to Cinematic Technologies (crosslisted)
- PMA 6540 - Introduction to Film Analysis: Meaning and Value (crosslisted)
- PMA 6550 - Global Cinema I
- PMA 6551 - Global Cinema II
- PMA 6600 - [Proseminar in Theatre Studies]
- PMA 6650 - [Camp, Kitsch, and Trash] (crosslisted)
- PMA 6700 - [Melodrama, Modernism, and Modernity] (crosslisted)
- PMA 6760 - [Passionate Politics] (crosslisted)
- PMA 6815 - [Theory of Theatre and Drama]
- PMA 6816 - In the Break I: Chicana/o and African American Literature and Performance (crosslisted)
- PMA 6817 - In the Break II: Chicana/o and African American Literature and Performance (crosslisted)
- PMA 6820 - [Theatre and Society: Asian Cultures] (crosslisted)
- PMA 6825 - [Staging Dissent: Theater and Social Change]
- PMA 6835 - [Ritual, Play, Spectacle, Act: Performing Culture]
- PMA 6840 - [Gossip] (crosslisted)
- PMA 6865 - The Female Dramatic Tradition (crosslisted)
- PMA 6870 - [Transnational Imagination: A Seminar on Modern Theatre and Cultural History]
- PMA 6911 - [The Total Work of Art] (crosslisted)
- PMA 7000 - Independent Study for Graduate Students in Theatre
- PMA 7100 - The Pedagogy of Theatre
- PMA 9900 - Thesis and Research Projects