In Computing and Information Science .
Agarwal, Rachit, Department of Computer Science
Alvis, Lorenzo, Department of Computer Science
Andersen, Erik, Department of Computer Science
Arms, William, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Artzi, Yoav, Department of Computer Science
Bailey, Graeme, Department of Computer Science; Computing in the Arts Program
Bala, Kavita, Department of Computer Science; Program of Computer Graphics
Barocas, Solon, Department of Information Science
Belongie, Serge, Cornell NYC Tech; Department of Computer Science
Bindel, David, Department of Computer Science
Birman, Kenneth, Department of Computer Science
Birnholtz, Jeremy, Department of Information Science; Department of Communication
Blume, Lawrence, Department of Information Science; Department of Economics
Booth, James, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Brachman, Ronald, Department of Computer Science
Bracy, Anne, Department of Computer Science
Bunge, John, Department of Statistical Science; School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Cardie, Claire, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Choudhury, Tanzeem; Department of Information Science
Clarkson, Michael, Department of Computer Science
Constable, Robert, Department of Computer Science
Cosley, Dan, Department of Information Science; Department of Communication
Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian, Department of Information Science
Dell, Nicola, Department of Information Science
Demers, Alan, Department of Computer Science
DiCiccio, Thomas, Department of Statistical Science
Easley, David, Department of Information Science; Department of Economics
Edelman, Shimon, Department of Psychology; Department of Information Science
Ernste, Kevin, Computing in the Arts Program; Department of Music
Estrin, Deborah, Cornell NYC Tech; Department of Computer Science
Fan, Kit-Yee Daisy, Department of Computer Science
Foster, Nate, Department of Computer Science
Friedman, Eric, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering; Department of Information Science
Fussell, Susan, Department of Information Science; Department of Communication
Gay, Geri, Department of Information Science; Department of Communication
George, Michael, Department of Computer Science
Ghosh, Arpita, Department of Information Science
Ginsparg, Paul, Department of Information Science; Department of Physics
Gomes, Carla, Department of Computer Science; Department of Applied Economics and Management; Department of Information Science
Greenberg, Donald, Department of Computer Science; Program of Computer Graphics; Johnson Graduate School of Management; Department of Architecture
Gries, David, Department of Computer Science; College of Engineering
Guimbretiere, Francois, Department of Information Science
Halpern, Joseph, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Hancock, Jeff, Department of Information Science; Department of Communication
Hartmanis, Juris, Department of Computer Science
Hauagge, Daniel, Department of Computer Science
Hirsh, Haym, Department of Computer Science
Hong, Yongmiao, Department of Statistical Science; Department of Economics
Hooker, Giles, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Hopcroft, John, Department of Computer Science
Huttenlocher, Daniel, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science; Johnson Graduate School of Management
Hwang, Gene, Department of Statistical Science; Department of Mathematics
Jackson, Steven; Department of Information Science
Joachims, Thorsten, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Juels, Ari, Department of Computer Science
Jung, Malte, Department of Information Science
Kiefer, Nicholas, Department of Economics; Department of Statistical Science
Kleinberg, Jon, Department of Computer Science; Computational Biology Program; Department of Information Science
Kleinberg, Robert, Department of Computer Science
Knepper, Ross, Department of Computer Science
Kozen, Dexter, Department of Computer Science
Lagoze, Carl J., Department of Information Science
Lee, Lillian, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Leshed, Gilly, Department of Information Science
Levy, Karen, Department of Information Science
Lipson, Hod, Computing and Information Science Program; School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Macy, Michael, Department of Information Science; Department of Sociology
Marschner, Steve, Department of Computer Science; Program of Computer Graphics
Mezey, Jason, Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Mimno, David, Department of Computer Science
Mizil, Cristian Danescu Niculescu, Department of Information Science
Mohlke, Steve, Department of Information Science
Morrisett, Greg, Department of Computer Science
Myers, Andrew, Department of Computer Science
Naaman, Mor, Cornell NYC Tech; Department of Information Science
Nissenbaum, Helen, Department of Information Science
Nussbaum, Michael, Department of Statistical Science; Department of Mathematics
Parikh, Tapan, Department of Information Science
Pass, Rafael, Department of Computer Science
Pinch, Trevor, Department of Science and Technology Studies
Pollack, Martha, Department of Information Science
Prabhu, Narahari, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering
Prentice, Rachel, Department of Science and Technology Studies
Protter, Philip, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering
Resnick, Sidney, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering; Department of Statistical Science
Ristenpart, Tom, Department of Computer Science
Rooth, Mats, Department of Information Science; Department of Linguistics
Ruppert, David, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering; Department of Statistical Science
Rzeszotarski, Jeff, Department of Information Science
Samorodnitsky, Gennady, David, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering; Department of Statistical Science
Sampson, Adrian, Department of Computer Science
Schneider, Fred, Department of Computer Science
Schwager, Steven, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology; Department of Statistical Science
Selman, Bart, Department of Computer Science
Sengers, Phoebe, Department of Information Science; Department of Science and Technology Studies
Shi, Elaine, Department of Computer Science
Shmatikov, Vitaly, Department of Computer Science
Siepel, Adam, Computational Biology Program; Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Sirer, Emin Gün, Department of Computer Science
Snavely, Noah, Department of Computer Science
Sridharan, Karthik, Department of Computer Science
Steurer, David; Department of Computer Science
Strawderman, Robert, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Tardos, Eva, Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Science
Tate, Ross, Department of Computer Science
Teitelbaum, Tim, Department of Computer Science
Trummer, Immanuel, Department of Computer Science
Van Loan, Charles, Department of Computer Science; Computational Science and Engineering Program
Velleman, Paul, Department of Social Statistics; School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Volgusher, Stanislav, Department of Statistical Science
Weatherspoon, Hakim, Department of Computer Science
Weinberger, Kilian, Department of Computer Science
Wells, Martin, Department of Statistical Science; Computational Biology Program
White, Walker, Department of Computer Science
Williamson, David, Department of Information Science; School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering
Woodard, Dawn, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering
Zabih, Ramin, Department of Computer Science