Courses of Study 2019-2020 
    Feb 16, 2025  
Courses of Study 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


In the Biological Sciences program .

New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Adler, Kraig K., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Prof. Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior

Agrawal, Anurag, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. James A. Perkins Professor of Environmental Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Entomology

Alani, Eric E., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Angert, Esther R., Ph.D., Indiana U. Prof., Microbiology

Barbash, Daniel A., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Bates, David M., Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Bemis, William E., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Bentolila, Stephane, Ph. D., Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, Assistant Research Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Bruns, Peter J., Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Buchon, Nicolas, Ph.D., Universite d´ Auvergne Clermont I, France. Asst. Prof., Entomology 

Calvo, Joseph M., Ph.D., Washington State U. William T. Keeton Prof. Emeritus in Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Chabot, Brian F., Ph.D., Duke U. Prof. Emeritus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Clayton, Roderick K., Ph.D., California Inst. of Technology. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Crepet, William L., Ph.D., Yale U. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)*

Danforth, Bryan N., Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Prof., Entomology

Davies, Peter J., Ph.D., U. of Reading (UK). Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Davis, Jerrold I., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Dhondt, André A., Ph.D., Ghent State U. (Belgium). Edwin H. Morgens Professor of Ornithology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Laboratory of Ornithology

Dörr, Tobias, Ph. D., Northeastern University. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Doyle, Jeffrey J., Ph.D., Indiana U. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science(Bailey Hortorium)

Ellwood, Ian T., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Asst. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Feeny, Paul P., Ph.D., Oxford U. (UK). Prof. Emeritus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Feschotte, Cedric, Ph.D., University of Paris, Prof. Molecular Biology and Genetics

Fitzpatrick, John W., Ph.D., Princeton U. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Laboratory of Ornithology

Flecker, Alexander S., Ph.D., U. of Maryland. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Fox, Thomas D., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Fromme, Joseph C., Ph.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Ghiorse, William C., Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Prof. Emeritus, Microbiology

Gilbert, Cole, Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Prof., Entomology

Goldberg, Michael L., Ph.D., Stanford U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Han, Chun, Ph.D., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Asst. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Hanson, Maureen R., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics/Liberty Hyde. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Harrington, Laura, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts. Prof., Entomology

Harris-Warrick, Ronald M., Ph.D., Stanford U. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Harvell, C. Drew, Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Hay, Anthony, Ph.D., U. of California. Assoc. Prof., Microbiology

Helmann, John D., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Microbiology

Henry, Susan, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Hewson, Ian, Ph.D., U. of S. California. Assoc. Prof., Microbiology

Howarth, Robert W., Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. David R. Atkinson Prof. of Ecology and Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Hu, Fenghua, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Assistant Prof. Molecular Biology and Genetics

Hua, Jian, Ph.D., California Inst. of Technology. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Ingram, John W., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Jagendorf, André T., Ph.D., Yale U. Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Plant Physiology Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kemphues, Kenneth J., Ph.D., Indiana U. Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Kessler, André, Ph.D., Max Planck Inst. for Chemical Ecology/Friedrich Schiller U. of Jena (Germany). Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Boyce Thompson Inst. for Plant Research

Kingsbury, John M., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Koren, Amnon, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel), Asst. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Lazzaro, Brian, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Prof., Entomology

Ley, Ruth E., Ph.D., U. of Colorado. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Lis, John T., Ph.D., Brandeis U. Barbara McClintock Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Lodge, David M. Ph.D., U. of Oxford (UK). Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Lovette, Irby J., Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Fuller Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Laboratory of Ornithology

Luckow, Melissa A., Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

MacIntyre, Ross J., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Marks, Peter L., Ph.D., Yale U. Prof. Emeritus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

McArt, Scott, Ph.D., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Entomology

McCune, Amy R., Ph.D., Yale U. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Moeller, Andrew H., Ph.D., Yale U, Asst. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Morin, James G., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof. Emeritus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Nasrallah, June B., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Nasrallah, Mikhail E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Niklas, Karl J., Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Nixon, Kevin C., Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Owens, Thomas G., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Paolillo, Dominick J., Jr., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Parthasarathy, Mandayam V., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Peters, Joseph, Ph.D., U. of Maryland. Prof., Microbiology

Poveda, Katja, Ph.D., Georg-August U. (Germany). Assoc. Prof., Entomology

Raguso, Robert A., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Rayor, Linda, Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Sr. Res. Assoc., Entomology

Reed, Robert D., Ph.D., U. of Arizona. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Reeve, H. Kern, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Roberts, Jeffrey W., Ph.D., Harvard U. Robert J. Appel Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Rodriguez, Eloy, Ph.D., U. of Texas. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Roeder, Adrienne, Ph.D., U. of California, San Diego. Asst. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Rose, Jocelyn, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Scanlon, Michael, Ph.D., Iowa State U. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Scott, Jeffrey G., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Entomology

Schwarz, Eric, Ph. D., California Institute of Technology, Assistant Research Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Searle, Jeremy B., Ph.D., U. of Aberdeen (UK). Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Shalloway, David I., Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Greater Philadelphia Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Shapleigh, James P., Ph.D., U. of Georgia. Assoc. Prof., Microbiology

Sheehan, Michael J., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Asst. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Simoes-Costa, Marcos, Ph. D., University of Sao Paulo, Nancy & Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Smolka, Marcus B., Ph.D., State U. of Campinas (Brazil). Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Tye, Bik-Kwoon, Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Prof. Emeritas, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Uhl, Natalie W., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Van Wijk, Klaas J., Ph.D., Groningen U. (The Netherlands). Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Vitousek, Maren N., Ph.D., Princeton U., Asst. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Vogt, Volker M., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Walcott, Charles, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior

Warden, Melissa R., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Asst. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Wayne, Randy O., Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Winans, Stephen C., Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Prof., Microbiology

Winkler, David W., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Zahler, Stanley A., Ph.D., U. of Chicago. Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Zinder, Stephen H., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Microbiology

Other Teaching Personnel

Abou-Kandil, Rania I., Ph.D., U. of Alexandria, Egypt. Lec. Microbiology

Blake-Hodek, Kristina, Ph.D, Cornell U, Lec., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Blankenship, James E., M.S., Cornell U. Sr. Lec., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Dietz, Shelby B., Ph.D., Harvard U. Lec., Neurobiology and Behavior

Graffin, Gregory W., Ph.D., Cornell U. Visiting Lec., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Jesch, Stephen, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon U., Lecturer, Molecular Biology and Genetics

McGuire, Betty A., Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts. Sr. Lec., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Merkel, Susan, M.S., Cornell U. Sr. Lec., Microbiology

Sarvary, Mark A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Lec., Neurobiology and Behavior

Silva, Thomas, Ph.D., Cornell U. Sr. Lec., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Southard, Laurel E., M.S., Tulane U. Lec., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Joint Appointees

Bloom, Stephen E., Prof., Veterinary/Microbiology and Immunology

Brutnell, Thomas, Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Douglas, Angela E., Prof., Entomology/Molecular Biology and Genetics

Doyle, Jeffrey J., Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Giovannoni, James G., Adjunct Prof., USDA Science and Education Administration/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Hanson, Maureen, Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Hrazdina, Geza, Prof. Emeritus, Food Science and Technology/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Jander, Georg, Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Boyce Thompson Inst./Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kochian, Leon V., Adjunct Prof., USDA Science and Education Administration/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Korf, Richard P., Prof. Emeritus, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

Lazzaro, Brian P., Professor, Entomology/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Liebherr, James K., Assoc. Prof., Entomology/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (Bailey Hortorium)

McCouch, Susan R., Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

McIntyre, Peter, Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Moreau, Corrie, Prof., Entomology/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Pimentel, David, Prof. Emeritus, Entomology/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Popescu, Sorina C., Adjunct Asst. Prof., Boyce Thompson Inst./Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Richards, Eric J., Adjunct. Prof., Boyce Thompson Institute/Molecular Biology and Genetics

Schimenti, John, Prof., Biomedical Sciences/Molecular Biology and Genetics

Stern, David B., Adjunct Prof., Boyce Thompson Institute/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Stevenson, Dennis, Adjunct Prof., New York Botanical Garden/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Tanksley, Steven, Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section/Liberty Hyde Bailey Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Thaler, Jennifer S., Prof., Entomology/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Thompson, John F., Adjunct Prof., USDA Science and Education Administration/Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Webster, Michael S., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior/Library of Natural Sounds

College of Arts and Sciences

Aquadro, Charles F., Ph.D., U. of Georgia. Charles A. Alexander Professor of Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology and Genetics/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Bass, Andrew H., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Blackler, Antonie W., Ph.D., U. of London (UK). Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Bretscher, Anthony P., Ph.D., Leeds U. (UK). Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Brown, William J., Ph.D., U. of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Clark, Andrew G., Ph.D., Stanford U. Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Population Genetics, Molecular Biology and Genetics/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Deitcher, David L., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School. Assoc. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Ellner, Stephen P., Ph.D., Cornell U. Horace White Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Emr, Scott, Ph.D., Harvard U. Frank H. T. Rhodes Class of ‘56 Endowed Director of Cornell Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Feigenson, Gerald W., Ph.D., California Inst. of Technology. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Fetcho, Joseph R., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Finlay, Barbara, Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Prof., Psychology

Garcia Garcia, Maria J., Ph.D., U. Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Geber, Monica A., Ph.D., U. of Utah. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Goldberg, Jesse H., Ph.D., M.D., Columbia U. Asst. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Goodale, Christine L., Ph.D., U. of New Hampshire. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Greene, Harry W., Ph.D., U. of Tennessee. Prof. Emeritus, Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Grimson, Andrew W., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Asst. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Hairston, Nelson G., Jr., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Frank H. T. Rhodes Professor of Environmental Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Hoy, Ronald R., Ph.D., Stanford U. Merksamer Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Huffaker, Tim C., Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Prof. and Assoc. Chair, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Ke, Ailong, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. School of Medicine. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Kellogg, Elizabeth, Ph. D., University of Washington, Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Kwak, Hojoong, Ph.D., Cornell U., Asst. Prof, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Lee, Siu Sylvia, Ph.D., Baylor Coll. of Medicine. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Linster, Christine, Ph.D., Pierre and Marie Curie U. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Liu, Jun Kelly, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

MacDonald, June M. Fessenden, Ph.D., Tufts U. Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, Molecular Biology and Genetics/Program on Science, Technology, and Society

Mao, Yuxin, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Nicholson, Linda, Ph.D., Florida State U. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Pleiss, Jeffrey, Ph.D., U. of Colorado. Asst. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Power, Alison G., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Science and Technology Studies

Seeley, Thomas D., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Shaw, Kerry L., Ph.D., Washington U., St. Louis. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Smith, Michelle, Ph.D., U. of Washington, Seattle. Assoc. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Sparks, Jed P., Ph.D., Washington State U. Prof., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Tumbar, Tudorita, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Turgeon, Robert, Ph.D., Carleton U. (Canada). Prof., Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wolfner, Mariana F., Ph.D., Stanford U. Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Prof., Molecular Biology and Genetics

Yapici, Nilay, Ph.D., Vienna U.  Asst. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior

Zamudio, Kelly R., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Goldwin Smith Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Other Teaching Personnel

Drake, Abby, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst. Sr. Lec., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Johnson, Bruce R., Ph.D., Boston U. Sr. Lec., Neurobiology and Behavior

St. Juliana, Justin, Ph.D., Indiana State University. Lec., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Joint Appointees

Adkins-Regan, Elizabeth, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Prof., Neurobiology and Behavior/Psychology

Levin, Simon A., Adjunct Prof., Princeton U./Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Likens, Gene E., Adjunct Prof., Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

College of Veterinary Medicine

Boyko, Adam, Ph.D., Purdue U. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Buckles, Elizabeth L., D.V.M., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Catalfamo, James, M.S., Ph.D., Union Coll. Sr. Res. Assoc., Population Medicine and Diagnostic Services

Cohen, Paula, Ph.D., U. of London (UK). Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Coonrod, Scott, Ph.D., Texas A&M U. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Cummings, Bethany, D.V.M. Ph.D., U. of California, Davis, Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Danko, Charles, Ph.D., SUNY Upstate Med. U. Syracuse. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Duhamel, Gerald, D.V.M., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Gleed, Robin, BVSc, MRCVS, U. of Liverpool (UK). Assoc. Prof., Clinical Sciences

Hermanson, John W., M.S., Ph.D., U. of Florida, Gainesville. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Kelly, Kathleen, D.V.M., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Kotlikoff, Michael I., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis and D.V.M., U. of Pennsylvania. U. Provost and Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Lin, David, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Maza, Paul, Ph.D., Ross U. School of Vet Medicine. Sr. Lec., Biomedical Sciences

McDonough, Sean P., D.V.M., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Miller, Andrew, D.V.M., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Mizer, Linda, D.V.M., Ph.D., Ohio State U. Sr. Lec., Biomedical Sciences

Nikitin, Alexander Yu, M.D., Ph.D., Petrov Research Inst. of Oncology (Russia). Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Oswald, Robert, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U. Prof., Molecular Medicine

Peters-Kennedy, Jeanine, D.V.M., U. of Georgia. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Roberson, Mark, Ph.D., U. of Nebraska. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Schimenti, John, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Southard, Teresa, D.V. M., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences/Population Medicine

Travis, Alexander J., V.M.D., Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Assoc. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Weiss, Robert S., Ph.D., Baylor Coll. of Medicine. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

White, Andrew, Ph.D., Washington U. Asst. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Yen, Andrew, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Biomedical Sciences

Other Teaching Personnel

FitzMaurice Cryer, Marnie, V.M.D, Ph. D., Lec., Biomedical Sciences

Jameson Jordan, Antonia, Ph.D., Cornell U. Lec., Biomedical Sciences

College of Engineering

Joint Appointees

Cisne, John L., Assoc. Prof., Geological Sciences/Biological Sciences

Webb, Watt W., Prof., Applied and Engineering Physics/Biological Sciences


*Joint appointment with College of Arts and Sciences