ANSC 3540 - Dairy Cattle Herd Health

Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading (no audit).

Prerequisite: ANSC 2500  or permission of instructor. Co-meets with ANSC 5540 .

R. Lynch.

This course will introduce students to dairy herd health concepts and strategies for achieving health, productivity, and profitability goals through management.  Health and performance monitoring by the use of dairy records, disease prevention, and evidence-based approaches to management will be stressed.  Students should expect to develop their knowledge of dairy cattle diseases and health, acquire skills for implementing dairy herd management programs, and strengthen their abilities to problem solve and communicate in group settings.

Outcome 1: Students will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of health, disease, and performance in dairy cattle and replacements.

Outcome 2: Students will be able to describe the most prevalent and highest impact health challenges in modern dairy production systems and understand management approaches for their prevention and control.

Outcome 3: Students will be able to make economical, resourceful, and ethical decisions about health management in dairy herds.

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