DEA 3500 - The Ambient Environment(CU-SBY) Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading. Recommended prerequisite: DEA 1500 . Co-meets with DEA 6520 . S. Kalantari. Introduces human-factor considerations in lighting, acoustics, noise control, indoor air quality and ventilation, and the thermal environment. Views the ambient environment as a support system that should promote human efficiency, productivity, health, and safety. Emphasizes the implications for planning, design, and management of settings and facilities. Outcome 1: Explore key concepts in each of the major topic areas covered i.e. indoor climate (thermal conditions, ventilation and air quality), indoor lighting, and indoor acoustics. Outcome 2: Understand environmental measurement techniques and be familiar with methods. Outcome 3: Understand how recent transformations in technology have influenced the design of the ambient environment, including the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm and its opportunities for designing intelligent environments. |
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