NTRES 3111 - Fish Ecology Laboratory

Spring. 1 credit. Student option grading.

Prerequisite or corequisite: NTRES 3110 .
  • Only offered Spring of every other year.
  • Four field trips TBA. 

L. Rudstam.

Four field trips are planned to provide hands-on-experience in fish ecology and management. They include a one-weekday Great Lakes experience aboard the USGS Kaho on Lake Ontario, a one-day field trip to a state-of-the-art fish hatchery during the walleye run, a one-day Oneida Lake weekend trip to the Cornell Biological Field Station experiencing fish collection techniques, and a two-hour trip to the Cayuga Inlet to witness the spring run of rainbow trout and possibly lamprey eels. Activities include the use of various fish sampling gears and sample analysis techniques. Each student is required to maintain a written journal describing activities and concepts learned from each field trip that is submitted at the end of the semester.

Outcome 1: Students will get hands-on experience with fish sampling and the properties of different fishing gear.

Outcome 2: Students will gain an understanding of several fisheries management issues and techniques used in New York State.

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