AEM 3385 - Social Entrepreneurship Practicum: Anabel's Grocery

(D-AG) (CU-CEL, CU-SBY)     
Fall, Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading (no audit).

Permission of instructor required. Satisfies Dyson Grand Challenges project requirement.

A. Wessels.

AEM 3385 is a hands-on learning experience that serves as an entry point for new Anabel's Grocery team members, introducing them to social entrepreneurship, food justice, systems thinking, collaborative leadership practices, and the day-to-day operations of Anabel's. No prerequisites and no previous experience with Anabel's required. The course is open to students regardless of major. We are looking for students with diverse interests who are passionate about making healthy food accessible to everyone through practical actions that further racial, economic, and ecological justice. This experiential-based course meets once a week. It includes small group discussion sessions and a practicum commitment of about 4 hours per week.

Outcome 1: Apply basic best practices in the governance, management and assessment of a nonprofit social venture.

Outcome 2: Demonstrate relevant best practices at the intersections of design, wellness, hospitality, and food delivery, with a focus on community, accessibility and equity.

Outcome 3: Demonstrate relevant best practices at the intersections of design, wellness, hospitality, and food delivery, with a focus on community, accessibility and equity.

Outcome 4: In a setting where success requires effective teamwork, interact and work collaboratively with diverse peers, with a higher level of self-awareness and empathy.

Outcome 5: Demonstrate an understanding of the impact and causes of food insecurity within the context of the larger food system, and incorporate this understanding into the design of a more effective solution with attention to financial sustainability and social/environmental impact.

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