Courses of Study 2015-2016 
    Mar 11, 2025  
Courses of Study 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENTOM 4550 - [Insect Ecology]

(crosslisted) BIOEE 4550  
Fall. Next offered 2016-2017. 4 credits.

Prerequisite: introductory biology or permission of instructor recommended.

J. S. Thaler.

The ecology of insects and their role in natural and agricultural systems. Emphasis is on basic principles in population and community ecology and plant-insect interactions with readings from the current ecological and entomological literature. Laboratory includes outdoor field trips and a research project to learn common approaches in ecology.

Outcome 1: 1.1 Students will be able to explain the fundamental principles of population and community ecology.
1.2 Students will be to identify what interactions are important for insects.
1.3 Students will learn natural history of local insects.

Outcome 2: 2.1 Students will be able to interpret data presented in graphs.
2.2 Students will be able to pose their own questions and design and execute experiments to answer these questions.
2.3 Students will be able to read and interpret the scientific literature.
2.4 Students will be able to use basic statistical methods to interpret their data.

Outcome 3: 3.1 Students will participate actively in debate with peers using information they research in the primary literature

Outcome 4: 4.1 Students will write full reports based on the field and laboratory projects they conduct.
4.2 Students will have opportunities to summarize and evaluate the important factors in insect ecology

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