Courses of Study 2023-2024 
    Sep 18, 2024  
Courses of Study 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ART 5001 - Image Text Workshop

Summer. 2 credits. Letter grades only (no audit).

Enrollment limited to: M.F.A. Image Text students.


This course addresses pertinent issues relative to the techniques, technologies, genres, or methodologies in image, text, or relevant hybrid practices. Topics vary each semester. Course can be repeated for credit.

Outcome 1: In this course, students will develop a familiarity with canonical and contemporary works in a range of genres.

Outcome 2: In this course, students will develop an ability to identify and deploy the structure and technique characteristic of various compositional modes, including nonfiction, fiction, poetry and hybrid-genre works.

Outcome 3: In this course, students will develop an advanced competence in the fundamentals of clear written expression.

Outcome 4: In this course, students will develop a consistent writing practice.

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