Courses of Study 2023-2024 
    Mar 19, 2025  
Courses of Study 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ANTHR 4401 - [Advanced Documentary Production]

(crosslisted) PMA 4401  
(ALC-AS, LA-AS)      
Spring. Not offered: 2023-2024. Next offered: 2025-2026. 3 credits. Letter grades only.

Prerequisite: completed a documentary production fundamentals or introduction to documentary course and/or has acquired basic documentary skills. Permission of instructor required. Course fee: $150; cost of materials: TBA (students must purchase additional supplies and materials; est. $200). Co-meets with ANTHR 7401 /PMA 7401 .

N. Raheja.

This production seminar is for students with basic documentary filmmaking skills who want to work with previously collected footage and/or are in production on a project in or around Ithaca. Over the course of the semester, students complete a documentary film based on an immersive engagement with their selected subject matter. Alongside watching and discussing relevant texts and films, students will complete exercises to help them focus their projects, build a cohesive narrative, learn script writing, brainstorm scene ideas, overcome narrative challenges, discover their aesthetic, and develop a film circulation plan. Students will regularly present new footage and scenes and explain their work in terms their goals for the final project. The course culminates in a public screening of students’ independent video projects.

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