Mar 31, 2025
BEE 6880 - Applied Modeling and Simulation for Renewable Energy Systems (crosslisted) CEE 6880 (CU-SBY) Spring. 3 credits. Letter grades only.
Enrollment limited to: graduate students, or permission of instructor. Co-meets with BEE 4880 /CEE 4880 .
J. Mays.
This course will provide an applied introduction to modeling, simulation and optimization techniques for various renewable energy systems. The course will be modular in nature. Each module will focus on a particular renewable energy application and relevant modeling/simulation tools. Some modules are independent and some will build on previous modules. The instructional format of the course will include lectures, scientific paper reviews, and some Julia programming. Students will have an opportunity to apply new techniques to a relevant modeling project. The course will culminate with a modeling project relevant to renewable energy. Graduate students will be required to complete the term project on an individual basis.
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