ARTH 4155 - Topics in Latin American Art (crosslisted) LATA 4155 , VISST 4155 (GHB) (ALC-AS, CA-AS) Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading (no audit).
Co-meets with ARTH 6155 /LATA 6155 /VISST 6155 .
M. Fernandez.
Topic: Latin American Moderinsims and Technology. The involvement of Latin American artists with modern media technologies dates at least to the late nineteenth century and has especially flourished in the last three decades. The canonical histories and criticism of Latin American art for the most part depict a history of artistic production in which technology plays a minor or invisible role. This construction of history reinforces the assumption that experimentation, innovation, and theorization in technological art are exclusive provinces of the developed world. As the history of art expands to include diverse areas of media arts and visual culture, the recognition of Latin American artists’ involvement with technology is not only overdue but also essential to the development of more diverse and rigorous understandings of both modernity and modernism.
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