Feb 27, 2025
ENTOM 4700 - [Ecological Genetics] (crosslisted) BIOEE 4800 Spring. Not offered: 2023-2024. Next offered: 2024-2025. 4 credits. Student option grading.
Prerequisite: BIOEE 1780 . Recommended prerequisite: introductory course in genetics and/or statistics. Permission of instructor required if prerequisite(s) are not met. Offered in odd-numbered years only.
B.P. Lazzaro.
Ecological Genetics focuses on the application of population genetic concepts in ecological contexts, with emphases on measuring adaptation in natural populations, detecting the effects of population demography, and determining the genetic basis of quantitative traits. Illustrative examples will be drawn from the primary research literature to demonstrate experimental techniques and methods of data analysis on single-gene, multi-locus and genome-wide scales.
Outcome 1: Students will be able to apply and test basic models of genetic evolution to real biological scenarios, guided by case examples from the primary scientific literature as well as the lecture-based presentations of abstract concepts.
Outcome 2: Students will be able to apply analytical tests to empirical data sets and draw statistically robust conclusions.
Outcome 3: Students will be able to interpret data and results in a broader context to reach plausible biological conclusions. Students will employ “scientific thinking” to solve problems that mirror real-life experimental scenarios.
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