Sep 12, 2024
LING 4424 - Computational Linguistics I (crosslisted) COGST 4240 , CS 4744 (MQR-AS, SMR-AS) Spring. 4 credits. Student option grading.
Prerequisite: Elementary Python (CS 1133 suffices), LING 1101 , or CS 2800 , or PHIL 2310 . Prerequisite for CS majors: Elementary Python and CS 2800 . Co-meets with LING 6424 .
M. van Schijndel.
Computational models of natural languages. Topics are drawn from: tree syntax and context free grammar, finite state generative morpho-phonology, feature structure grammars, logical semantics, tabular parsing, Hidden Markov models, categorial and minimalist grammars, text corpora, information-theoretic sentence processing, discourse relations, and pronominal coreference.
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