Mar 11, 2025
SOC 3380 - Urban Inequality (crosslisted) AMST 3380 (HST-AS, SBA-AS, SSC-AS) (CU-SBY) Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading.
K. Bischoff.
This is a course on urban inequality in the United States. The first half of the semester will be dedicated to understanding the political, historical, and social determinants of inequality in America’s cities. Politically and socially, cities face unique challenges. Municipalities lack much formal authority to resolve issues that arise within their borders, and their populations are highly heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, race, and social class. In the second half of the course, we will investigate a number of contemporary facets of urban inequality in-depth, such as residential segregation, urban schooling, immigration, and suburban sprawl.
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