Mar 12, 2025
BIOEE 4560 - Stream Ecology (crosslisted) NTRES 4560 (BIO-AS) (OPHLS-AG) Fall. 4 credits. Student option grading.
Prerequisite: BIOEE 1610 or permission of instructor. During the optional field trip, students will travel to stream sites from the headwaters of the Susquehanna River basin to its mainstem, evaluating how the stream environment and biota shift from upstream to downstream. This field experience will complement the field lab exercises and lecture topics, helping students to enrich their understanding of stream ecology across the landscape. No option for partial participation on the trip. Not offered every year. Field component held at the Susquehanna River basin.
A. Flecker, P. McIntyre.
For description and learning outcomes, see NTRES 4560 .
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