Feb 17, 2025
STSCI 2100 - Introductory Statistics and Data Science (crosslisted) ILRST 2100 (SDS-AS) (MQL-AG, OPHLS-AG) Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. 4 credits. Letter grades only (no audit).
Forbidden Overlap: due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in the following group: AEM 2100 , BTRY 3010 , BTRY 6010 , ENGRD 2700 , HADM 2010 , HADM 2011 , ILRST 2100 , ILRST 6100 , MATH 1710 , PSYCH 2500 , PUBPOL 2100 , PUBPOL 2101 , SOC 3010 , STSCI 2100, STSCI 2150 , STSCI 2200 . Prerequisite: introductory algebra.
T. DiCiccio, M.E. Karns, K. Packard, Staff.
For description, see ILRST 2100 .
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