Feb 16, 2025
CRP 5545 - [Urban Adaptation to Climate Change] (CU-SBY) Spring. Not offered: 2024-2025. Next offered: 2025-2026. 3 credits. Letter grades only.
Open to: juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Co-meets with CRP 3545 .
L. Shi.
Climate change has severe implications for cities, which have large populations and built environments that are difficult to move. This course considers the implications of climate change for cities, the drivers of vulnerability to climate impacts, and the diverse and often conflicting responses. The course centers how historic class, racial, and other forms of social and spatial injustices contribute to inequitable vulnerability to climate impacts and societal adaptation responses around the world. Students learn to explain core concepts, critically examine how adaptation and resilience planning intersects with existing political, social, and ecological systems, and debate adaptation strategies that have promise in producing transformative change. We draw on readings/ multimedia on theories, policies, and case studies from around the world. Assignments build students’ ability to communicate with a variety of audiences using diverse media formats.
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