Dec 02, 2024
Courses of Study 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Asian Studies|
Asia—General Education Courses:
Asia—Literature and Linguistics Courses:
The following courses are taught entirely in English and are open to any Cornell student. Asia—Society and Culture Courses:
- ASIAN 2206 - [The Occidental Tourist] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2210 - [Pop Culture in China] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2219 - [Women and Gender in South Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2225 - Literature, Politics, and Genocide in Cambodia
- ASIAN 2228 - [Indian Ocean World] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2230 - [Seminar in History and Memory: The Asia-Pacific War] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2245 - Gamelan in Indonesian History and Cultures (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2253 - [Ten Thousand Islands: Indonesia in Historical and Contemporary Perspective] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2256 - Japanese Society Through Film (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2257 - China Encounters the World (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2260 - Popular Culture of Japan
- ASIAN 2264 - Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture
- ASIAN 2274 - [Mughal India and the Early Modern World, c. 1500-1800] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2275 - History of Modern India (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2281 - [Antiquity and Modernity in Contemporary China] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2285 - Material Worlds: Trade and the Arts of Asia (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2290 - [East Asian Martial Arts] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2292 - [Europes Asia: Modern European Discourse on History and Subjectivity] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2295 - [Power, Culture, and Heterogeneity in Premodern Japan, 1200 - 1800] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 2298 - [The U.S. - Vietnam War] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3300 - Burma (Myanmar) Country Seminar
- ASIAN 3302 - Art of War in Ancient China
- ASIAN 3305 - Seminar on American Relations with China (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3321 - China Under Revolution and Reform (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3327 - China and the World (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3331 - Gender and Sexuality in Southeast Asian Cinema (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3334 - Southeast Asian Politics (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3335 - Japan from War to Prosperity (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3345 - [Asian Minorities] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3346 - [Modern Japanese Politics] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3350 - [The Arts of Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3361 - Conflicts and Transformations in Early Modern Japan, 1700 - 1890 (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3362 - [Kings and States in Ancient Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3364 - [Male and Female in Chinese Culture and Society] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3381 - [Introduction to the Arts of Japan] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3382 - [Art of South Asia, 1500 - Present] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3383 - Introduction to the Arts of China (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3385 - [Vietnamese History] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3386 - [Translating Southeast Asia Through Film] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3388 - [Theorizing Gender and Race in Asian Histories and Literatures] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3394 - [The House and the World: Architecture of Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3396 - Southeast Asian History from the Eighteenth Century (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 3397 - [Monsoon Kingdoms: Pre-Modern Southeast Asian History] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4413 - [Religion and Politics in Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4414 - Politics, Violence, and the Study of Cambodia (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4416 - [Gender and Sexuality in Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4428 - [The Formation of the Field: Japan as Area] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4429 - [Vitality and Power in China] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4436 - Topics in Indian Film (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4440 - Bodies at the Border (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4442 - [Shadowplay: Asian Art and Performance] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4443 - Work and Labor in China (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4445 - [Performing Objects/Collecting Cultures] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4448 - Unifying While Integrating: China in the World (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4452 - [Power and Popular Culture in Early Modern Japan] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4454 - [Modernity, Spatiality, and Urban Culture: Seoul] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4456 - Dancing the Stone: Body, Memory, and Architecture (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4458 - Peddlers, Pirates and Prostitutes: Subaltern Histories of Southeast Asia, 1800-1900 (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4469 - [History of Medicine and Healing in China] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4470 - Modernity in East Asia
- ASIAN 4472 - [Collecting Chinese Art: History and Strategies] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4473 - Modern Chinese Art (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4474 - [Contemporary Chinese Art] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4475 - Asian Security (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4479 - [Performing Modernism in the Chinese Body] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4483 - Reading Chinese Painting: Development of Connoisseurship in the Postwar Era (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4486 - Art, Economy, Spectacle (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4487 - [Threads of Consequence: Textiles in South and Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4490 - China’s Economy Under Mao and Deng (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4496 - Sovereignty under Military Occupation (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4497 - [India: Nation and Nationalism] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 4498 - Asian Political Economy (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 5507 - [The Occidental Tourist] (crosslisted)
Asia—Graduate Seminars:
For complete descriptions of courses numbered 6000 or above, see www.lrc.cornell.edu/asian. - ASIAN 6600 - Burma (Myanmar) Country Seminar
- ASIAN 6601 - [Seminar on Thailand] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6608 - Scholarly Writing for Publication
- ASIAN 6609 - Heavens, Hells & Purgatories: Buddhist and Christian Notions of the Afterlife
- ASIAN 6612 - Japanese Bibliography and Methodology
- ASIAN 6613 - [Southeast Asian Bibliography and Research Methods]
- ASIAN 6615 - [The Past in the Present/The Present in the Past: Histories of Tokugawa Japan] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6618 - [Gender and Sexuality in Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6619 - [Translation, in Theory] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6625 - Representing Eros: Thailand (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6626 - [Grammatology of Nationality and Regime of Translation] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6627 - [Asia Memoirs: Trauma and Social Upheaval in East and Southeast Asia]
- ASIAN 6629 - Contemporary Studies of Japan
- ASIAN 6633 - [Borderworks] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6638 - [Monks, Texts, and Relics: Transnational Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6640 - Bodies at the Border (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6644 - [Threads of Consequence: Textiles in South and Southeast Asia] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6645 - [Performing Objects/Collecting Cultures] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6646 - [Shadowplay: Asian Art and Performance] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6649 - Indian Devotional Poetry
- ASIAN 6656 - Dancing the Stone: Body, Memory, and Architecture (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6658 - Peddlers, Pirates and Prostitutes: Subaltern Histories of Southeast Asia, 1800-1900 (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6659 - Seminar in Vedic Philology (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6662 - Religion, Colonialism, and Nationalism in South and Southeast Asia
- ASIAN 6663 - Unfamiliar Encounters in Tokugawa Japan
- ASIAN 6664 - The (Sino)Graphic Imagination (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6665 - Japanese Theatre: Space, Sound, and Spectacle
- ASIAN 6672 - [Collecting Chinese Art: History and Strategies] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6673 - Modern Chinese Art (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6674 - [Contemporary Chinese Art] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6675 - [Mughal India and the Early Modern World, c. 1500 - 1800] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6679 - [Southeast Asian Literature in Translation]
- ASIAN 6681 - [Intellectual History of Empire] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6683 - Reading Chinese Painting: Development of Connoisseurship in the Postwar Era (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6685 - [Vietnamese History] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6686 - [Readings in Japanese Historiography] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6687 - [Translating Southeast Asia Through Film]
- ASIAN 6688 - [Theorizing Gender and Race in Asian Histories and Literatures] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6696 - Southeast Asian History from the Eighteenth Century (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6697 - [Southeast Asian History to the Eighteenth Century] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 6698 - [Seminar in Japanese Thought] (crosslisted)
- ASIAN 7703 - Directed Research
- ASIAN 7704 - Directed Research
- ASIAN 8899 - Master’s Thesis Research
- ASIAN 9999 - Doctoral Dissertation Research
Asia—Honors and Supervised Reading Courses:
Note: Contact E. Knuutila in 350 Rockefeller Hall before classes begin for placement or other testing and organizational information. Chinese:
Note: Testing for placement, including those with near-native abilities, takes place in registration week, before classes begin. Time and place will be posted at lrc.cornell.edu/asian/programs/placement and on the bulletin board outside 350 Rockefeller Hall. Chinese IMPAC (Intensive Mandarin Program At Cornell):
For full information, brochures, etc., see the IMPAC Program coordinator in 388 Rockefeller Hall or e-mail: impac@cornell.edu or lrc.cornell.edu/impac.
Formerly part of Cornell’s FALCON Program, IMPAC is designed to help students develop “copability” in Mandarin Chinese by bringing them to the level where they can make progress on their own even with no further instruction. This summer language program provides over 200 hours of language exposure—which exceeds even the exposure that students living in China typically receive. This allows students to develop levels of fluency, accuracy, and control that are not achieved in other academic settings. For more information and application forms, please contact the IMPAC office. Three small interactive classes per day are conducted entirely in Chinese, and one lecture is conducted in both Chinese and English. Additional class time each day is devoted to reading and writing practice. Students are also required to spend at least two one-hour sessions per day in the language lab. Additional preparation time in the language lab of up to three hours is necessary in the evenings. The demands of this 8-credit program do not normally permit students to take other courses simultaneously.
Students must formally apply to the program. To guarantee course availability and scholarship eligibility, applications must be received by March 1. After that, applicants are reviewed on a rolling basis and acceptance is contingent on the availability of spaces. Applications are available in 388 Rockefeller Hall or at lrc.cornell.edu/impac/apply. Cornell Nepal Study Program:
Cornell and the central campus of Tribhuvan National University (in Kirtipur, Kathmandu) cosponsor a semester or year in Nepal at the Cornell Nepal Study Program for both undergraduate and graduate students. North American students live and study with Nepali students at the Cornell program houses near the university, taking courses taught in English by faculty from Tribhuvan University. After an intensive orientation, semester courses include intensive spoken and written Nepali language, Contemporary Issues in Nepal, and Research Design and Methods in a wide variety of fields in the social and natural sciences and the humanities. (Language instruction in Tibetan and Newari may also be arranged.) There is a 10-day study tour and field trip during the semester, and students execute their research proposal during four weeks of guided field research, writing up their findings for presentation at the end of the semester.
Juniors, seniors, and graduate students from any field may apply. Students should have a desire to participate in a program featuring relatively intense cultural immersion and to undertake rigorous field research. Instruction is in English, but prior study of Nepali language is strongly recommended for Cornell students. Those interested in the program should consult Cornell Abroad (cuabroad@cornell.edu). Intensive Nepali:
Nepali, the official language of Nepal, will be offered in the Summer Session at both beginning and continuing levels. Taught by faculty from Cornell University and the Cornell–Nepal Study Program at Tribhuvan University, this summer program provides an unusual opportunity to develop competence in Nepali. Emphasis will be on the spoken colloquial language, in dialogues, exercises, and conversational practice. In addition, special attention is given to assisting students in developing vocabularies and skills appropriate to their unique professional needs. Reading and writing practice use both popular and scholarly materials in the Nepali (Devanagari) script. Students will spend five hours per day in class and two further hours working with recorded materials in addition to the time required for daily preparation. Films and guest lecturers complement the summer program. The program lasts six weeks and meets five days a week. Students must formally apply to the program. Applications are available at lrc.cornell.edu/asian/programs/summer/nepali during the spring semester. For more information, please see Kim Scott in 350 Rockefeller Hall or e-mail: kp16@cornell.edu. Related Courses:
Courses in other colleges will count as College of Arts and Sciences credit only for Asian Studies majors. Courses from other departments and/or colleges generally count toward the Asian Studies major (even though not cross-listed), as long as the course content is 50 percent or more focused on Asia. Such courses typically fall under the heading of Society and Culture (SC) and must be approved by the major advisor and director of undergraduate studies. |