In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .
Course Offerings
Derived from the Latin word “hortus,” meaning garden, horticulture is a blend of science and culture involving knowledge of plants grown on farms and in gardens, parks, and athletic and recreational facilities; indoor plants; greenhouse and nursery plant production; and crops used for consumption and medicinal purposes, and coffee and teas. The knowledge and skills essential to grow, maintain, process and market horticultural plants are in high demand in a world increasingly concerned with environmental quality, recreation and health. As the only horticulture department in the Ivy League, our faculty, staff and students are working to shape the food systems and landscapes of today and for the future. We serve professionals, students and citizens of New York State, the nation, and the world. We generate and extend knowledge about fruits, vegetables and landscape plants for the purpose of sustaining the environment, enhancing economic vitality, and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.
M. P. Pritts, chair (134A Plant Science Bldg., (607) 255-1778); S. K. Brown, associate chair (Box 15 Kennedy Hall, (315) 787-2224); N. L. Bassuk, T. L. Bauerle, R. R. Bellinder, T. N. Björkman, M. P. Bridgen, L. J. Brewer, L. Cheng, P. J. Davies, L. E. Drinkwater, M. Eames-Sheavly, S. Gan, P. D. Griffiths, D. E. Halseth, S. A. Hoying, J. T. Kao-Kniffin, A. N. Lakso, T. E. Martinson, N. S. Mattson, W. B. Miller, J. Mt. Pleasant, K. W. Mudge, T. D. Park, S. Peters, A. M. Petrovic, D. A. Rakow, A. Rangarajan, S. Reiners, B. I. Reisch, T. L. Robinson, F. S. Rossi, M. Sailus, S. Skelly, L. B. Smart, A. G. Taylor, J. E. Vanden Heuvel, C. B. Watkins, C. A. Weber, T. H. Whitlow, H. C. Wien, D. W. Wolfe, X. Kenong