Courses of Study 2015-2016 
    Mar 02, 2025  
Courses of Study 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


In the College of Arts and Sciences .

Course Offerings 

Linguistics, the systematic study of human language, lies at the crossroads of the humanities and the social sciences. It is a theoretical discipline with ties to such areas as cognitive psychology, philosophy, logic, computer science, and anthropology. Much of its appeal derives from the special combination of intuition and rigor that the analysis of language demands. The interests of the members of the Department of Linguistics and colleagues in other departments span most of the major subfields of linguistics: phonetics and phonology, the study of speech sounds; morphology, the structure of words; syntax, the study of how words are combined; semantics, the study of meaning; historical linguistics, the study of language change in time; and computational linguistics, the modeling of natural language in all its aspects from a computational perspective.

Students interested in learning more about linguistics and its relationship to other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to take LING 1101 , a general overview, which is a prerequisite for most other courses in the field, or one of the first-year writing seminars offered in linguistics (on topics such as metaphor, language processing and disorders, English outside the box, and the language instinct). LING 1101  and our other introductory courses fulfill various Arts College distribution requirements. Most of our 1000- and 2000-level courses have no prerequisites. These cover various topics in linguistics (e.g., LING 1109 - English Words: Histories and Mysteries , LING 2221 - Language and Society , LING 2223 - Language and the Law , LING 2285 - [Linguistic Theory and Poetic Structure] ) or focus on the linguistics of a particular geographic region or historical development of particular languages (e.g., LING 2241 - [Yiddish Linguistics] , LING 2248 - Native American Languages ).

Talks and discussions about linguistics are organized by Cornell’s Undergraduate Linguistics Organization (the Underlings) and the Linguistics Colloquium (organized by the Cornell Linguistic Circle and the department). These meetings are open to the university public, and anyone wishing to learn more about linguistics is most welcome to attend. Information about such events is posted on the department website.



D. Zec, chair; M. Diesing, director of graduate studies; A. Cohn, director of undergraduate studies; D. Abusch, J. Bowers, W. Browne, M. Despic, J. Hale, W. Harbert, S. Hertz, S. Murray, A. Nussbaum, M. Rooth, S. Tilsen, M. Weiss, J. Whitman

The Linguistics Major:

For questions regarding the linguistics major, contact Professor A. Cohn, 226B Morrill Hall, (607) 255-1747 (

A. Prerequisites:


D. Elective Courses:

Majors must complete three elective courses (3 credits or more) chosen in consultation with their advisors. These can be selected from among the remaining courses listed in the Core Courses category, or other courses in linguistics or another department with a substantial linguistic content, including courses on the linguistics of specific languages. One must be at the 3000-level or higher. (Courses with a CU-UGR designation or language courses do not count.) All electives must be at the 2000-level or higher.

E. Ancillary Skills Courses:

Majors must complete two courses (3 credits or more) in one or more of the following areas, selected in consultation with their advisors. This requirement is intended to equip them with practical skills relevant to their particular interests in linguistics. The Ancillary Skills Course requirement may be waived for students who are majoring in more than one field.

  • Statistics
  • Logic
  • Computer programming
  • Two semesters of study of a non-European or non-Indo-European language
  • Two semesters of study beyond the level required by the Arts College of a language relevant to the student’s particular areas of interest
  • Language teaching methodology

F. Additional Information:

Some substitutions to these standard requirements are possible by petition to your advisor and with approval by the director of undergraduate studies. The minimum grade for courses applied to the linguistics major is C.

The Linguistics Minor:

The minor in linguistics gives students the opportunity to gain formal recognition for substantial coursework in linguistics without the burden of an additional major. The linguistics minor may be a valuable complement to studies in English, foreign languages, psychology, philosophy, computer science, biology, human development, or engineering and is open to undergraduates across Cornell.


Five courses in linguistics or courses approved for the linguistics major.

Minimum of 18 credits, including:

  • LING 1101 - Introduction to Linguistics  
  • Three additional courses from the lists of foundation courses and core courses as defined for the linguistics major
  • One elective as defined for the linguistics major

Minimum grade: C

First-year writing seminars cannot be counted toward these course requirements.

Interested students should consult with the Linguistics Director of Undergraduate Studies, A. Cohn, 226B Morrill Hall, 607-255-1747,  Students who declare the minor will consult with either the Director of Undergraduate Studies or an assigned minor advisor on the selection of courses appropriate to their academic objectives.


Honors in Linguistics are awarded for excellence in the major including overall GPA and completion of an honors thesis. Applications for honors should be made at the end of junior year or by the start of fall term of the senior year.


Admission to the honors program requires an overall GPA of at least 3.3 and a GPA in the major of at least 3.5. A student may be admitted provisionally in the honors program at the discretion of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.


In addition to the regular requirements of the major, the candidate for honors will complete an honors thesis. Writing an honors thesis is typically a two-semester project involving eight credits of coursework conducted during the senior year. During their first semester of honors work, students typically register for (1) LING 4493 - Honors Thesis Research  (with their thesis advisor); and (2) LING 4491 - Honors Research Workshop I . During their second semester of honors work, students are required to register for (1) LING 4494 - Honors Thesis Research  (with their thesis advisor); and (2) LING 4492 - Honors Research Workshop II .

Upon completion of the thesis, the student takes a final oral examination defending the thesis. The oral examination will be conducted by the honors committee, consisting of the thesis advisor and at least one other faculty member in linguistics. Members of other departments may serve as additional members if the topic makes this advisable. Honors students are also required to deposit a copy of the final thesis with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Linguistics and are expected to give an oral presentation on their thesis topic during the department’s year-end undergraduate honors colloquium. Honors are awarded by a departmental committee based on the thesis and overall academic record, guided by honor committees’ recommendations.

First-Year Writing Seminars:

Consult the John S. Knight website for times, instructors, and descriptions.