Feb 09, 2025
Courses of Study 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Molecular Biology and Genetics|
Molecular Biology and Genetics (BIOMG):
- BIOMG 1150 - Human Genetics and Society
- BIOMG 1290 - Personal Genomics and Medicine: Why Should You Care About What’s in Your Genes
- BIOMG 1320 - Orientation Lectures in Molecular Biology and Genetics
- BIOMG 1350 - Introductory Biology: Cell and Developmental Biology
- BIOMG 2800 - Lectures in Genetics and Genomics
- BIOMG 2801 - Laboratory in Genetics and Genomics
- BIOMG 3300 - Principles of Biochemistry, Individualized Instruction
- BIOMG 3310 - Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins and Metabolism
- BIOMG 3320 - Principles of Biochemistry: Molecular Biology
- BIOMG 3330 - Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
- BIOMG 3340 - Computer Graphics and Molecular Biology
- BIOMG 3350 - Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
- BIOMG 3800 - Advanced Genetics and Genomics
- BIOMG 3850 - Developmental Biology
- BIOMG 4000 - Genomics
- BIOMG 4310 - Frontiers in Biophysics
- BIOMG 4320 - Survey of Cell Biology
- BIOMG 4330 - Research Papers in Cell Biology
- BIOMG 4370 - Regulation of Cell Proliferation, Senescence, and Death (crosslisted)
- BIOMG 4380 - The RNA World
- BIOMG 4390 - Molecular Basis of Disease
- BIOMG 4400 - Laboratory in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- BIOMG 4450 - Stem Cell Biology: Basic Science and Clinical Applications
- BIOMG 4610 - Development and Evolution
- BIOMG 4810 - Population Genetics (crosslisted)
- BIOMG 4840 - [Molecular Evolution]
- BIOMG 4870 - Human Genomics
- BIOMG 4880 - Cancer Genetics
- BIOMG 4980 - Teaching Experience
- BIOMG 6310 - Protein Structure and Function
- BIOMG 6330 - Biosynthesis of Macromolecules
- BIOMG 6360 - Functional Organization of Eukaryotic Cells
- BIOMG 6390 - The Nucleus
- BIOMG 6410 - Laboratory in Plant Molecular Biology (crosslisted)
- BIOMG 6870 - Tricks of the Trade: How to Use Genetics to Dissect Cells, Molecules and Developmental Pathways
- BIOMG 7510 - Ethical Issues and Professional Responsibilities
- BIOMG 7800 - Current Topics in Genetics and Development
- BIOMG 7810 - Problems in Genetics and Development
- BIOMG 7860 - Research Seminar in Genetics and Development
- BIOMG 7870 - Seminar in Genetics and Development
- BIOMG 7940 - Current Topics in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
- BIOMG 8300 - Biochemistry Seminar
- BIOMG 8310 - Advanced Biochemical Methods I
- BIOMG 8320 - Advanced Biochemical Methods II
- BIOMG 8330 - Research Seminar in Biochemistry
- BIOMG 8340 - Quantitative Biology for Molecular Biology and Genetics
- BIOMG 8370 - Problems in Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology
- BIOMG 8380 - Scientific Communication in BMCB
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