Mar 13, 2025
Courses of Study 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Law School|
Colloquiums, Seminars, and Problem Courses:
All problem courses and seminars satisfy the writing requirement and are limited enrollment. However, students selecting a seminar or problem course that satisfies the skills requirement or the writing requirement may use the course to fulfill one of the requirements, but not both. A student selecting a Colloquium, Seminar, and Problem Course designated as fulfilling the professional responsibility and writing requirement may fulfill both requirements. Admission to all problem courses and seminars is determined by lottery. - LAW 6019 - Dispute Resolution Practicum (crosslisted)
- LAW 6027 - Campus Mediation Practicum (crosslisted)
- LAW 7022 - Advanced Topics in Property Theory
- LAW 7052 - Advanced Persuasive Writing and Oral Advocacy
- LAW 7072 - Animal Rights
- LAW 7113 - Technology and Law Colloquium (crosslisted)
- LAW 7123 - Chinese Law: Tradition and Modernization
- LAW 7144 - Colloquium on Law and Development in the Middle East and North Africa
- LAW 7149 - Constitutional Law: Bail Reform
- LAW 7150 - Consumer Law
- LAW 7156 - Copyright Litigation Lawyering
- LAW 7157 - Comparative Middle Eastern Law: Contemporary Issues
- LAW 7159 - Deals Seminar: Bank Loan Transactions
- LAW 7160 - Deals Seminar: Law and Investment Banking - The General Counsel’s Perspective
- LAW 7162 - Contemporary American Jury
- LAW 7164 - Corporations and Other Legal Persons
- LAW 7166 - Deals Seminar: Capital Markets Transactions
- LAW 7169 - Deals Seminar: Real Estate Transactions
- LAW 7174 - Deals Seminar: Secured Transactions
- LAW 7175 - Deals Seminar: Drafting and Analyzing Corporate Agreements
- LAW 7176 - Deals Seminar: Hedge Funds, PE Funds, and Other Investment Vehicles
- LAW 7178 - Discrimination
- LAW 7179 - Digital Life Research Seminar (crosslisted)
- LAW 7183 - Economic Justice: Understanding Law and Economic Inequality
- LAW 7187 - Disasters and Human Rights - Selected Issues
- LAW 7197 - Legal Scholarship Seminar
- LAW 7231 - [Ethnoracial Identity in Anthropology, Language, and Law] (crosslisted)
- LAW 7232 - Ethical Issues in Criminal Investigations, Prosecutions and Policy
- LAW 7246 - Faculty at Home Seminar: Legal Drama
- LAW 7252 - Faculty At Home Seminar: Science Fiction and Law
- LAW 7256 - Faculty At Home Seminar: Harry Potter and the Law
- LAW 7257 - Faculty at Home Seminar: Shadow Banking
- LAW 7260 - Federal Appellate Practice
- LAW 7265 - Faculty At Home Seminar: Catholic Social Thought and the Law
- LAW 7266 - Faculty At Home Seminar: Confucianism and Law
- LAW 7267 - Comparative Contract Law
- LAW 7270 - Foreign Affairs and the Separation of Powers
- LAW 7285 - Guilty Acts, Guilty Minds
- LAW 7295 - Global Labor and Employment Law
- LAW 7310 - Intellectual Property and Health Technologies
- LAW 7311 - Immigration and Refugee Law
- LAW 7312 - Traditional Knowledge and Folklore in Intellectual Property
- LAW 7360 - International Financial Regulation
- LAW 7362 - International Litigation
- LAW 7371 - Islamic Law and History
- LAW 7403 - Law, Money, and Financial Macrodynamics
- LAW 7411 - Law and Higher Education
- LAW 7440 - Law and Social Change: Comparative Law in Africa
- LAW 7442 - Law and Trust in Government
- LAW 7577 - Lobbying and the Legislative Process
- LAW 7580 - Markets, Morals, and Methods
- LAW 7589 - National Security Law: Issues & Policy
- LAW 7590 - Mortgage and Asset Securitization
- LAW 7598 - Negotiation and Facilitation Seminar
- LAW 7599 - New Rights, Cyberspace and Law
- LAW 7600 - Movement Lawyering
- LAW 7621 - Issues in Poverty Law
- LAW 7631 - Pretrial Practice, Litigation Strategies, and Remedies in Commercial Litigation
- LAW 7671 - Race and Law
- LAW 7695 - Restrictive Employment Covenants
- LAW 7737 - Social Entrepreneurship
- LAW 7740 - Law and Economics, and Games (crosslisted)
- LAW 7757 - Striving for Systemic Justice: Seeking Redress for Law Enforcement Misconduct in the 21st Century
- LAW 7766 - Taxation of Mergers & Acquisitions
- LAW 7771 - The Supreme Court and Tax Law
- LAW 7775 - Critical Perspectives on Law
- LAW 7781 - Property Theory
- LAW 7783 - Topics in Intellectual Property
- LAW 7850 - International Gender Rights Seminar (crosslisted)
- LAW 7785 - Law of Genocide and War Crimes Trials
- LAW 7991 - Cornell Research Colloquium
Nonprofessional Courses—Not Open to Law Students: