Courses of Study 2024-2025 
    Jan 19, 2025  
Courses of Study 2024-2025

International Programs and Studies

Courses that address an international theme or that provide an international perspective are offered in many departments and programs. These include many courses that provide an experience abroad, ranging from semester-long to shorter-term study, and that are available at locations across the globe. 

Learning in a global context reveals the mutual dependency of social, cultural, economic, and political systems, and demonstrates the significance of these complex networks for people’s lives and the earth’s sustainability. These courses facilitate cross-cultural competence and understanding by providing students with opportunities to engage with, learn about, and experience communities and populations that can be culturally and geographically different from their own. They promote critical attention to the implied assumptions that underlie cultural norms and traditions, and to the impacts of local actions on global communities.

See the list below for a sample of International Experience Courses, or for a complete list, search the catalog for sustainability courses by entering CU-INT in the search box from the main catalog home page.

Further information on international education can be found by visiting: the Mario Einaudi Center for International StudiesGlobal Cornell, and the Office of Global Learning.

Selected International Experience Courses