Courses of Study 2016-2017 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Courses of Study 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .



Abbaspourrad, Alireza, Ph.D., Harvard U. Asst. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Abawi, George S., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Acree, Terry E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Addoum, Jawad, Ph.D., Duke U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Agnello, Arthur M., Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Prof., Entomology

Agrawal, Anurag, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Entomology

Ahner, Beth A., Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Albright, Louis D., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Alcaine, Sam. Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Asst. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Allred, Shorna B., Ph.D., Oregon State U. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Anderson, C. Lindsay, Ph.D., U. of Western Ontario (Canada). Asst. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Aneshansley, Daniel J., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Angenent, Largus T., Ph.D., Iowa State U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Aristilde, Ludmilla, Ph.D., U. of California-Berkeley. Asst. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Ault, Toby, Ph.D., U. of Arizona. Asst. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Aymer, Valerie, MLA, Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Landscape Architecture


Barbano, David M., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science

Barnett, Jenny E., B.A. Hons, U. of Oxford. Courtesy Lecturer, Communication

Barrett, Christopher B., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Bartsch, James A., Ph.D., Purdue U. Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Bassuk, Nina L. Ph.D., U. of London (UK). Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Basu, Alaka, M.S., U. of London (UK). Prof., Development Sociology

Basu, Arnab, Ph.D., John Hopkins U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Basu, Sumanta, Ph.D., U of California-Berkeley, Asst. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Batt, Carl A., Ph.D., Rutgers U. Prof., Food Science

Baugher, Sherene, Ph.D., SUNY, Stonybrook. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Bauerle, Taryn L., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Bazarova, Natalie N., Ph.D., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Communication

Beer, Steven V., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Beg, Zeshawn, DBA, Harvard U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Bergstrom, Gary C., Ph.D., U. of Kentucky. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Bezner Kerr, Rachel, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Development Sociology

Bien, Jacob, Ph.D., Stanford U. Asst. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Bjorkman, Thomas N., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Blair, Matthew, Ph.D., Cornell U. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Blalock, Garrick, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Blossey, Bernd, Ph.D., Christian-Albrechts U. (Germany). Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Bogan, Vicki L., Ph.D., Brown U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Boisclair, Yves R., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Animal Science

Bogdanove, Adam J., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Boor, Kathryn J., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Ronald P. Lynch Dean of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Prof., Food Science

Booth, James, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Brady, John W., Jr., Ph.D., SUNY, Stonybrook. Prof., Food Science

Bridgen, Mark P., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State U. Prof. and Director, LIHREC, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Brown, Dan L., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Animal Science

Brown, David L., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Professor, Development Sociology

Brown, Susan K., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Buchon, Nicolas, PhD., Universite d´ Auvergne Clermont I, France. Asst. Prof., Entomology

Buckley, Daniel H., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Buckler, Edward, Ph.D., U. of Missouri, Columbia. Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Burr, Thomas J., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Butler, W. Ronald, Ph.D., Purdue U. Prof., Animal Science

Byrne, Sahara E., Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara. Asst. Prof., Communication


Calderone, Nicholas W., Ph.D., Ohio State U. Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, Entomology

Cerra, Joshua F., MLA, U. of Minnesota. Asst. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Chambliss, E. Lauren, M.P.A. American U. Lecturer, Communication

Chapman, Lewis D., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Chau, Ho Yan, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Chen, Gang, Ph.D., Princeton U. Assoc. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Cheng, Lailiang, Ph.D., Oregon State U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Cherney, Debbie J. R., U. of Florida. Assoc. Prof., Animal Science

Cherney, Jerome H., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Cho, Yong Gu, Ph.D., Seoul National U. (KOR). Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Christy, Ralph D., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Coffman, W. Ronnie, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Collmer, Alan R., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Colucci, Stephen J., Ph.D., SUNY, Albany. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Cohen, Jodi R., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U., Senior Lecturer, Communication

Conrad, Jon M., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Constas, Mark A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Cooch, Evan G., Ph.D., Queen’s U. (Canada). Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Cox, Kerik D., Ph.D., U. of Georgia. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Cox, William J., Ph.D., Oregon State U. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Curtis, Paul D., Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Curtis, Richard T., MBA, Cornell U. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management


Dando, Robin, Ph.D., U. of South Florida. Asst. Prof., Food Science

Danforth, Bryan N., Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Prof., Entomology

Datta, Ashim K., Ph.D., U. of Florida. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Davies, Peter J., Ph.D., U. of Reading (UK). Prof. Emeritus, Plant Biology Section, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Davis, Brian R., MLA, U. of Virginia. Asst. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Decker, Daniel J., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Natural Resources

DeGaetano, Arthur, Ph.D., Rutgers U. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

DeGloria, Stephen D., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

de Gorter, Harry, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

DeJong, Walter S., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Dickinson, Janis L., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Natural Resources

DiTommaso, Antonio, Ph.D., McGill U. (Canada). Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Dong, Shikui, Ph.D., Gansu Agric. U. (China). Adj. Prof., Natural Resources

Douglas, Angela, Ph.D., U. of Aberdeen (UK). Prof., Entomology

Doyle, Jeffrey J., Ph.D., Indiana U. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Drake, William, M.S., U. of Wisconsin. Sr. Res. Assoc., Applied Economics and Management

Drinkwater, Laurie, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Duffy, Brooke E, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania, Asst. Prof., Communication

Duxbury, John M., Ph.D., U. of Birmingham (UK). Prof. Emeritus, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Earle, Elizabeth D., Ph.D., Harvard U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Elmqvist, Thomas, Ph.D., U. of Umeå (Sweden). Adj. Prof., Natural Resources

Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Prof., Development Sociology

Evanega, Sarah, Ph.D., Cornell U. Adjunct Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Fahey, Timothy J., Ph.D., U. of Wyoming. Prof., Natural Resources

Fick, Gary W., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof. Emeritus, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Filiatrault, Melanie J., Ph.D., U. at Buffalo. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Fry, William E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Fuchs, Marc, Ph.D., U. Louis Pasteur (France). Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Fuller, Angela K., Ph.D., U. of Maine. Courtesy Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Fussell, Susan R., Ph.D., Columbia U. Prof., Communication


Gan, Susheng, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Gavalchin, Jerrie, Ph.D., Rutgers U. Assoc. Prof., Animal Science, Microbiology and Immunology

Gay, Geraldine K., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Communication

Gebremedhin, Kifle G., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Gilbert, Cole, Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Assoc. Prof., Entomology

Giordano, Julio O., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Asst. Prof., Animal Science

Gillespie, Tarleton L., U of California, San Diego. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Communication

Gleason, Kathryn L., Ph.D., Oxford U. (UK). Assoc. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Goddard, Julie M., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Gomes, Carla P., Ph.D., U. of Edinburgh (UK). Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Gómez, Miguel, Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Gonzales, Angela, Ph.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Development Sociology

Gore, Michael, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Goula, Maria, Ph.D., Barcelona School of Architect. Assoc. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Gracen, Vernon, Ph.D., U. of Florida. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Gratwicke, Brian, Ph.D., Oxford University. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Gravani, Robert B., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science

Gray, Stewart M., Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Courtesy Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Greene, Charles H., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Griffiths, Phillip D., Ph.D., U. of Florida. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Grossman, Dale A., J.D., American U. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management


Haeger, Donna L., Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Hahn, Russell R., Ph.D., Texas A&M U. Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Haith, Douglas A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Hajek, Ann E., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Entomology

Halseth, Donald., PhD., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Hancock, Jeffrey T., Ph.D., Dalhousie U. (Canada). Assoc. Prof., Communication

Hare, Matthew P., Ph.D., U. of Georgia. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Harrington, Laura, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts. Prof., Entomology

Hawkes, Gerard, M.B.A., Cornell U. Sr. Res. Assoc., Applied Economics and Management

Herdt, Robert, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Adjunct Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Hess, Peter G., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Hewson, Ian, Ph.D., U. of Southern California. Assoc. Prof., Microbiology

Hirschl, Thomas A., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Development Sociology

Hobbs, Peter, Ph.D., Cornell U. Adj Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Hodge, Kathie, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Hoffmann, Michael P., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Entomology

Hooker, Giles J., Ph.D., Stanford U. Assoc. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Horrigan, Paula H., M.L.A., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Hudler, George W., Ph.D., Colorado State U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Humphreys, Lee M., Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Asst. Prof., Communication

Hunter, Jean B., D.Eng.Sci., Columbia U. Assoc. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Huson, Heather J., Ph.D., U. of Alaska. Asst. Prof., Animal Science

Hwang, Byoung H., Ph.D., Emory U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management


Ifft, Jennifer E., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Asst. Prof. Emeritus, Applied Economics and Management

Irwin, Lynne H., Ph.D., Texas A&M U. Assoc. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering


Jannink, Jean-Luc, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Johnson, Patricia A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. and Chair, Animal Science

Just, David R., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Applied Economics and Management


Kaiser, Harry M., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Kanbur, Sanjiv Madhwarao, Ph.D., U. of Oxford (UK). Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Kao-Kniffin, Jenny, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin-Madison. Asst. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kass, Lee, Ph.D., Cornell U. Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kassam, Karim-Aly, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Keinan, Alon, Ph.D., Tel Aviv U. (Israel). Assoc. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Ketterings, Quirine M., Ph.D., Ohio State U. Prof., Animal Science

Knoblauch, Wayne A., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Knuth, Barbara A., Ph.D., Virginia Tech. Vice Provost, Dean of Graduate School, and Prof., Natural Resources

Kochian, Leon V., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Courtesy Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kraft, Clifford E., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Krasny, Marianne E., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Natural Resources

Krattiger, Anatole, Ph.D., Cambridge U. (UK). Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Kretser, Heidi, Ph.D., Cornell U. Adj. Asst. Prof., Natural Resources

Kyle, Steven C., Ph.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management


Lakso, Alan., PhD., U. of California, Davis. Prof. Emeritus., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Lassoie, James P., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Natural Resources

Lazarowitz, Sondra G., Ph.D., Rockefeller U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Lazzaro, Brian, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Assoc. Prof., Entomology

Lee, Chang Y., Ph.D., Utah State U. Prof., Food Science

Lee, David R., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Lehmann, C. Johannes, Ph.D., U. of Bayreuth (Germany). Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Lei, Xingen, Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Animal Science

Leiponen, Aija, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Lennox, David, MBA, Claremont U., Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Leonard, Lori, Ph.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Development Sociology

Lesser, William H., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Levine, Gilbert, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Lewenstein, Bruce V., Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Prof., Communication

Lewis, Eric, Ph.D., Union College, Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Li, Li, Ph.D., U. of Reading (UK). Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Li, Shanjun, Ph.D., Duke U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Liaukonyte, Jurate, Ph.D., U. of Virginia. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Liebherr, James K., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Entomology

Little, John E., MA, Empire State College. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Liu, Rui Hai, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science

Loeb, Gregory M., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Entomology (Geneva)

Losey, John E., Ph.D., U. of Maryland. Assoc. Prof., Entomology

Lovette, J. Irby, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Asst. Prof., Ornithology

Luo, Dan, Ph.D., Ohio State U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering


Ma, Minglin, Ph.D., MIT. Asst. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Makki, Fouad M., Ph.D., Binghamton U. Assoc. Prof., Development Sociology

Mansfield, Anna K., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Assoc. Prof., Food Science

March, John C., Ph.D., U. of Maryland. Assoc. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Margolin, Drew, Ph.D., USC Annenberg. Asst. Prof., Communication

Martin, Gregory B., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Martinez, Carmen E., Ph.D., Rutgers U. Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Matthews, David E., Ph.D., U. of Florida. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Mattson, Neil S., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Mazourek, Michael, Ph.D., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

McBride, Murray B., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

McComas, Katherine A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Communication

McCouch, Susan, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

McGrath, Margaret T., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

McKinley, John, J.D., U. of Toledo. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

McLaughlin, Edward W., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

McLeod, Poppy L., Ph.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Communication

McMichael, Philip D., Ph.D., Binghamton U. Prof., Development Sociology

Merwin, Ian., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Messer, Philipp, Ph.D., Free U. of Berlin. Asst. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Mezey, Jason G., Ph.D., Yale U. Assoc. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Milbrath, Lindsey R., Ph.D., Kansas State U. Adj. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Milder, Jeff C., Ph.D., Cornell U. Adj. Asst. Prof., Natural Resources

Milgroom, Michael G., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Miller, Dennis D., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science

Miller, Marc L., MLA, Cornell U.; MArch, U. of Virginia. Lecturer, Landscape Architecture

Miller, William B., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Monger, Bruce C., Ph.D., U. of Hawaii at Manoa. Sr. Lecturer, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Moraru, Carmen I., Ph.D., U. of Galati (Romania). Assoc. Prof., Food Science

Morreale, Stephen J., PhD., Cornell U. Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Mt. Pleasant, Jane, Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Mudge, Kenneth., Ph.D., Washington State U., Prof. Emeritus., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Mueller, Lukas, Ph.D., U. of Lausanne. Adjunct Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Mukai, Motoko, Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Asst. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Mutschler-Chu, Martha A., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Nault, Brian, Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Prof., Entomology (Geneva)

Nelson, Eric B., Ph.D., Ohio State U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Nelson, Rebecca J., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Ng, David T., Ph.D., Columbia U. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Niederdeppe, Jeffrey D., Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania. Asst. Prof., Communication

Novakovic, Andrew M., Ph.D., Purdue U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Nugen, Sam R., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Food Science and Technology

Nyrop, Jan P., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Entomology


Obendorf, Ralph L., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof. Emeritus, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Overton, Thomas R., Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Prof., Animal Science

Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel, Ph.D., U. of Maryland. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management


Padilla-Zakour, Olga, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. and Chair, Food Science

Pardee, William D., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Parks, John E., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State U. Prof., Animal Science

Parlange, Jean-Yves, Ph.D., Brown U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Pawlowska, Teresa E., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Pawlowski, Wojtek P., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Peck, Greg M., Ph.D., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Perez, Pedro D., Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Perosio, Debra J., Ph.D. Cornell U. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Perry, Keith, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Peters, Scott J., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Development Sociology

Pethybridge, Sarah J., Ph.D., U. of Tasmania, Australia. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Petrovic, A. Martin, Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof. Emeritus, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Pfeffer, Max, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Development Sociology

Pimentel, David, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Entomology

Pingali, Prabhu L., Ph.D., NC State. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Plaisted, Robert, Ph.D., Iowa State U. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Poczter, Sharon, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Poe, Gregory, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Potter, Clive, Ph.D., U. of East Anglia (School of Environmental Sciences). Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Porticella, Norman A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Visiting Lecturer, Communication

Poveda, Katja, Ph.D., Georg-August U. (Germany). Asst. Prof., Entomology

Prasad, Eswar, Ph.D., U. of Chicago. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Pritts, Marvin P., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Pryor, Sara C., Ph.D., U. of East Anglia (United Kingdom). Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences


Quirk, Susan M., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Animal Science


Raj, Sevilimedu P., Ph.D., Carnegie–Mellon U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Rakow, Donald A., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Raman, Kandukuri, Ph.D., U. of Reading (UK). Sr. Res. Assoc., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Rayor, Linda, Ph.D., U. of Kansas. Sr. Res. Assoc., Entomology

Regenstein, Joe M., Ph.D., Brandeis U. Prof., Food Science

Rehkugler, Gerald E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Reiners, Stephen, Ph.D., Ohio State U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Reisch, Bruce, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Reissig, William H., Ph.D., Oregon State U. Prof. Emeritus, Entomology

Richardson, Troy, Ph.D., U. of Utah. Asst. Prof., Education

Rickard, Bradley, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Riha, Susan, Ph.D., Washington State U. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Rizvi, Syed S., Ph.D., Ohio State U. Prof., Food Science

Roach, Michael W., Ph.D., Duke U. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Robinson, Terence L., Ph.D., Washington State U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Rodewald, Amanda D., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Prof., Natural Resources

Roelofs, Wendell L., Ph.D., Indiana U. Prof., Entomology

Rose, Jocelyn, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Asst. Prof., Plant Biology

Rossi, Frank S., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Royle, Andrew J., Ph.D., North Carolina State University. Adjunct Prof., Natural Resources

Rudstam, Lars G., Ph.D., U. of Stockholm (Sweden). Prof., Natural Resources

Russell-Anelli, Jonathan M., Ph.D., Cornell U. Sr. Lecturer, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Rutkoski, Jessica E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Adj. Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics

Rutz, Donald A., Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Prof. Emeritus, Entomology

Ryan, M. R., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U., Asst. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Sacks, Gavin L., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Food Science

Sanderson, John P., Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside. Assoc. Prof., Entomology

Scanlon, Michael J., Ph.D., Iowa State U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Biology

Scherer, Clifford W., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Assoc. Prof., Communication

Schmit, Todd, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Schneider, Rebecca, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Schrader, Dawn E., Ed.D., Harvard U. Assoc. Prof., Communication

Schulze, William D., Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Schuldt, Jonathon P., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Asst. Prof., Communication

Schwager, Steven J., Ph.D., Yale U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Scott, Jeffrey G., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Entomology

Scott, Norman R., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Seem, Robert C., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Selvaraj, Vimal, Ph.D., Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Animal Science

Sethi, Suresh A., Ph.D., U. of Washington-Seattle, Courtesy Asst. Prof., Natural Resources

Setter, Timothy L., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Shapiro, Michael A., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Communication

Shelton, Anthony M., Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside. Prof., Entomology (Geneva)

Shields, Elson J., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Entomology

Shotkoski, Frank, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Singh, Ravi, Ph.D., U. of Sydney (AUS). Adjunct Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Sipple, John W., Ph.D., U. of Michigan. Assoc. Prof., Development Sociology

Smart, Christine D., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Smart, Lawrence B., Ph.D., Michigan State U. Prof., Horticulture Section, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Smith Einarson, Margaret E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Soderlund, David M., Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley. Prof., Entomology

Sorrells, Mark E., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Stedman, Richard C., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Natural Resources

Steenhuis, Tammo S., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Steinschweider, Scott, Ph.D., U. Mass Amherst, Asst. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Streeter, Deborah H., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Sullivan, Patrick J., Ph.D., U. of Washington. Prof., Natural Resources

Swingle, Bryan M., Ph.D., State U. of New York at Albany. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Tanksley, Steven D. Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof. Emeritus, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Tauer, Loren W., Ph.D., Iowa State U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Taylor, Alan G., Ph.D., Oklahoma State U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Thaler, Jennifer S., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Entomology

Thies, Janice E., Ph.D., U. of Hawaii. Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Therkildsen, Nina Overgaard, Ph.D., Technical University of Denmark. Asst. Prof, Natural Resources

Thonney, Michael L., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Animal Science

Timmons, Michael B., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Trowbridge, Peter J., M.L.A., Harvard U. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Tufan, Hale Ann, Ph.D., John Innes Centre, Norwich (UK). Adjunct Asst. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Turgeon, B. Gillian, Ph.D., U. of Dayton. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Turvey, Calum G., Ph.D., Purdue U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management


Van Amburgh, Michael E., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Animal Science

Vanden Heuvel, Justine E., Ph.D., U. of Guelph (Canada). Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

van Es, Cindy L., Ph.D., Iowa State. Sr. Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

van Es, Harold M., Ph.D., North Carolina State U. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Vanucchi, Jamie, MLA, Cornell U. Asst. Prof., Landscape Architecture

Vatamaniuk, Olena K., Ph.D., U. of Kyiv (Ukraine). Assoc. Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Viands, Donald R., Ph.D., U. of Minnesota. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Villareal, Reynaldo L., Ph.D., Penn State U. Adj. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics


Wals, Arjen E.J., Ph.D., U. of Michigan (School of Natural Resources & Environment). Adjunct Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Walter, Michael F., Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Walter, M. Todd, Ph.D., Washington State U. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Wang, Ping, Ph.D., Cornell U. Assoc. Prof., Entomology (Geneva)

Wang, Xiaohong, Ph.D., Chinese Acad. of Sci. Courtesy Assoc. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wansink, Brian C., Ph.D., Stanford U. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Watanabe, Kazuo, U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Adj. Prof., Plant Breeding and Genetics

Watkins, Christopher B., Rutgers U. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Weber, Courtney A., Ph.D., U. of Florida. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Welch, Ross M., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Courtesy Prof., Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Whitlow, Thomas H., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Assoc. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wickings, Kyle, Ph.D., U. of Georgia. Asst. Prof., Entomology

Wiedmann, Martin, Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof., Food Science

Wien, Hans C., Ph.D., Cornell U. Prof. Emeritus, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wilcox, Wayne F., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wilks, Daniel S., Ph.D., Oregon State U. Prof., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Williams, Amy, Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Asst. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Williams, Linda, Ph.D., Brown U. Prof., Development Sociology

Wolf, Steven, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Assoc. Prof., Natural Resources

Wolfe, David W., Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science

Wolford, Wendy, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkley. Prof., Development Sociology

Won, Andrea S., Ph.D., Stanford U. Asst. Prof., Communication

Woodard, Joshua, Ph.D., U. of Illinois. Asst. Prof., Applied Economics and Management

Worobo, Randy W., Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Canada). Prof., Food Science

Wu, Mingming, Ph.D., Ohio State. Assoc. Prof., Biological and Environmental Engineering

Wysocki, Mark W., M.S., Cornell U. Sr. Lecturer, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences


Xu, Kenong, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis. Asst. Prof., Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science


Yavitt, Joseph B., Ph.D., U. of Wyoming. Prof., Natural Resources

Yu, Haiyuan, Ph.D., Yale U. Assoc. Prof., Biological Statistics and Computational Biology

Yuan, Yu (Connie), Ph.D., U. of Southern California, Los Angeles. Asst. Prof., Communication


Zinda, John, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison, Asst. Prof., Development Sociology