In the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management .
Edward W. McLaughlin, interim dean, The David J. Nolan Dean
Harry Kaiser, associate dean for academic affairs
Shanjun Li, director of graduate studies
David Lennox, director of undergraduate studies
Christopher A. Wolf, director of land grant programs
Donna L. Haeger, faculty director, Dyson leadership development
Denise Ramzy, director of business minors program
Robert Karpman, director of minors program for life sciences
John Tobin, director of CEMS
Aija Leiponen, director of master of professional studies
Amy Newman, director of grand challenges
Timothy J. Oonk, executive director of alumni affairs and development
Jennifer Majka, director of diversity and inclusion
Andrea Poag, director of student services
Nicole Heasley, registrar
Timothy Pasto, director of career management
Degree Programs
Applied Economics and Management