Courses of Study 2011-2012 
    Jun 24, 2024  
Courses of Study 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DEA 2500 - The Environment and Social Behavior

Fall. 3 credits.

Prerequisites: permission of instructor; DEA 1500 . Priority given to DEA majors. Priority order: DEA seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen. Limited to 16 students.

G. Evans.

This course is about architecture and human behavior and it centers on two key principles: (1) the complex interplay of social and personal factors with the physical environment largely determines how the built environment influences human well-being; (2) aesthetics is not sufficient in judging design—we must also consider how the built environment affects health, interpersonal relationships, and performance along with preference. Involves two major projects: one in collaboration with a design studio and the other with a real community client.

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