Courses of Study 2022-2023 
    Feb 12, 2025  
Courses of Study 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOEE 4661 - Physiological Ecology, Laboratory

Spring. 2 credits. Student option grading.

Prerequisite or corequisite: BIOEE 4660 . Most laboratories run past the three-hour period, with students spending an average of three hours per week in additional lab time for this course.

J. Sparks, M. Vitousek.

Detailed survey of the physiological approaches used in understanding the relationships between organisms and their environment with a focus on plants and vertebrate animals. Laboratories apply physiological techniques to specific ecological problems and cover aspects of experimental design and computer-aided data analysis.

Outcome 1: Demonstrate a number of photosynthesis measurement methods, including gas exchange, porometry and Chlorophyll fluorescence.

Outcome 2: Manage and calculate photosynthetic data and use simple models to conceptualize the process.

Outcome 3: Describe basic methods of measuring plant water balance including potometry, lysimetry, and pressure chamber techniques.

Outcome 4: Measure plant and animal respiration.

Outcome 5: Analyze water status data from the field within an ecological context.

Outcome 6: Independently plan and conduct physiological ecological experiments.

Outcome 7: Lucidly present their research findings.

Outcome 8: Translate the methods and ideas covered in class to field and glasshouse experimental exercises.

Outcome 9: Statistically analyze their data.

Outcome 10: Structure and write scientific reports.

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