Feb 09, 2025
ASRC 3434 - Underground Railroad Seminar (crosslisted) AMST 3434 , SHUM 3434 (HB) (ALC-AS, CA-AS) (CU-CEL) Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading.
Co-meets with ASRC 6464 .
G. Aching.
This seminar offers students the unique opportunity to explore the abolition movement of upstate New York and to visit and research some of the Underground Railroad routes in Ithaca and the Central New York region. The course provides an introductory examination of antebellum slavery and its abolition in the United States, including slave narratives and the alliances among free African Americans, Quakers, and other abolitionists in the United States. One of the principal student projects includes writing a brief fictional piece on the experience of being on the Underground Railroad or assisting someone to travel on it. These creative writing exercises will be considered for uploading to the Voices on the Underground Railroad website.
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