Courses of Study 2022-2023 
    Mar 14, 2025  
Courses of Study 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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LING 6333 - [Problems in Semantics]

(crosslisted) COGST 6333 , PHIL 6700  
Fall. Not offered: 2022-2023. Next offered: 2024-2025. 4 credits. Letter grades only.

Prerequisite: logic or semantics course or permission of instructor. Co-meets with COGST 3330 /LING 3333 /PHIL 3700 .


In this class we will discuss the properties of truth-conditional semantics, with a focus on those phenomena that have been used to question the adequacy of such systems. The course starts of by discussing the fundamental (formal) properties of truth-conditional semantics, and the notion of interpretation relative to a model. Then, we will explore different aspects of the grammar of natural languages that have been invoked against such semantic systems, such as vagueness and degree expressions, presuppositional content, indexicals and lexical semantics, a.o.

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