Feb 12, 2025
BIOEE 4000 - Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (crosslisted) ENTOM 4000 (BIO-AS, PBS-AS) Spring. 4 credits. Letter grades only.
Prefered prerequisite: BIOEE 1610 , BIOG 1101 , BIOG 1102 , or BIOG 1190 and MATH 1106 , MATH 1110 , MATH 1120 , MATH 2210 , MATH 1710 , or STSCI 2150 ; or equivalencies; or by instructor permission. Co-meets with BIOEE 6000 /ENTOM 6000 .
M. Greischar, C. Murdock.
For description and leaning outcomes, see ENTOM 4000 .
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