Courses of Study 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Crop and Soil Sciences
In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .
Course Offerings
The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences provides instruction in the subject matter areas of crop science, soil science, environmental information science, and agronomy. Agronomy integrates the first three subjects and is a part of the Agricultural Sciences major (crop production and management concentration). A specialization in crop science is a part of the plant science major. A focus on soil science is possible in two majors, the Science of Natural and Environmental systems (SNES) or the Science of Earth Systems (SES). The Agricultural Sciences major is an interdisciplinary program for students wishing to pursue a general education in agriculture to prepare for careers that require a scientific and integrative understanding of agriculture and food systems. Students can concentrate in one or more areas, including Animal Science, Agriculture Economics and Management, Education and Communication, Crop Production and Management, and Sustainable Agriculture. The SNES major is a biophysical science–based major that addresses the interface of environmental science and human systems involved in environmental management. Within the SNES major, students can concentrate in environmental agriculture, environmental biology, environmental economics, environmental information science, and sustainable development. The SES major places emphasis on the basic disciplines of chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
H. M. van Es, chair (235 Emerson Hall, (607) 255-5459); D. Buckley, J. H. Cherney, W. J. Cox, S. DeGloria, A. DiTommaso, J. M. Duxbury, G. W. Fick, R. R. Hahn, P. Hobbs, L. V. Kochian, J. Lehmann, M. B. McBride, R. L. Obendorf, J. M. Russell-Anelli, T. L. Setter, J. E. Thies, O. Vatamaniuk, R. M. Welch
A minor in crop management is also available for students with any major at Cornell University. In summary, it requires at least two courses and at least 7 credits in each of crop science (CSS 2110 or CSS 4050 , CSS 3170 , or CSS 4140 ) and plant protection (CSS 3150 , CSS 4440 , ENTOM 2410 , or PLPA 3010 ) plus at least three courses and at least 12 credits in soil science (CSS 2600 , CSS 3210 , CSS 3650 , CSS 4120 , CSS 4660 , or CSS 4720 ). Equivalent transferred courses can be substituted. This minor helps prepare students for the Certified Crop Advisor examination, which provides an important credential for jobs in agriculture and environmental management. A minor in soil science requires 15 credits in soil science, but an additional 12 credits in biological, physical, and earth sciences are recommended to qualify the student for the Civil Service classification as Soil Scientist (GS-0470). In addition to 15 credits in soil science, Civil Service classification as Soil Conservationist (GS-0457) requires 12 credits in natural resources and agriculture and 3 credits in applied plant science. The soil science minor is also available to students with any major at Cornell University and transfer credit can be used to meet requirements. Students wishing to pursue either the crop management or soil science minor should contact the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (255-5459). |