Courses of Study 2011-2012 
    Feb 18, 2025  
Courses of Study 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Electrical and Computer Engineering

In the College of Engineering .

Course Offerings 


T. Chen, director; S.S. Hemami, associate director; D. F. Delchamps, advising coordinator; E. Afshari, D. H. Albonesi, A. B. Apsel, A. S. Avestimehr, C. Batten, S. Bhave, A. W. Bojanczyk, H.-D. Chiang, P. C. Doerschuk, L. F. Eastman, W. K. Fuchs, Z. J. Haas, D. A. Hammer, S. S. Hemami, C. R. Johnson, Jr., E. Kan, M. C. Kelley,  R. R. Kline, A. Lal, M. Lipson, R. Manohar, J. F. Martínez, A. Molnar, C. R. Pollock, F. Rana, A. P. Reeves, C. E. Seyler, J. R. Shealy, X. Shen,  M. G. Spencer, G. E. Suh, A. Tang, S. Tiwari, L. Tong, A. B. Wagner, S. B. Wicker

Electrical and Computer Engineering:

Offered by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Contact: Student Services Office, 222 Phillips Hall, (607) 255-4309,

This major is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

The Electrical and Computer Engineering major (ECE), leading to a B.S. degree, provides a foundation that reflects the broad scope of this engineering discipline.

Concentrations include computer architecture and organization, digital systems and computer vision; power systems control; communications, networks, information theory and coding, signal processing and optimization; electronic circuits, VLSI, solid state physics and devices, MEMs, nanotechnology, lasers and optoelectronics; electromagnetics, radiophysics, space sciences, and plasmas.

ECE majors must take ECE 2300 /ENGRD 2300  as an engineering distribution course. The major normally begins in the spring of the sophomore year. Of the courses listed below, only ENGRD 2100 /ECE 2100  and ECE 2300 /ENGRD 2300 , and ECE 2200  are currently taught in both the fall and spring semesters.



Major-required courses:

ECE majors who entered Cornell as first-year students before Fall 2009 (nominally members of the classes of 2012 or earlier)

2. Must complete a minimum of two culminating design experience (CDE) courses:

A list of courses that meet the CDE requirement appears in the online ECE Undergraduate Handbook.

3. Must complete at least four additional advanced ECE electives:

These are ECE lecture courses at the 3000-level or above. At least two of the four must be at the 4000-level or above.

4. Must complete 9 credits’ worth of outside-ECE technical electives:

See the online ECE Undergraduate Handbook for rules governing these courses.

5. Must complete a minimum of 53 credits in satisfying items 1 through 4:

ECE majors who entered Cornell as first-year students during or after fall 2009 (nominally members of the classes of 2013 or later)

b. Must complete at least three ECE foundation courses:

The current list of ECE foundation courses is:

c. Must complete a minimum of one culminating design experience (CDE) course:

A list of courses that meet the CDE requirement appears in the online ECE Undergraduate Handbook and is posted on the bulletin board outside 222 Phillips Hall.

d. Must complete three breadth and depth electives:

These are ECE lecture courses at the 4000-level or above that list at least one ECE foundation course as a prerequisite. The list of all prerequisites of the three breadth and depth electives must include at least three ECE foundation courses, each of which a student must complete successfully prior to taking any breadth or depth course for which it is a prerequisite.

e. Must complete at least three additional advanced ECE electives:

These are ECE lecture courses at the 3000-level or above.

f. Must complete 9 credits’ worth of outside-ECE technical electives:

See the online ECE Undergraduate Handbook for rules governing these courses.

g. Must complete:

a minimum of 54 credits in satisfying items 1 through 5.


For additional details, see the online ECE Undergraduate Handbook at

Academic Standards:

Majors in Electrical and Computer Engineering are expected to meet the following academic standards:

  1. GPA ≥ 2.3 every semester.
  2. At least C– in all courses used to satisfy degree requirements in the major or that serve as a prerequisite for a subsequent Electrical and Computer Engineering course.
  3. Satisfactory completion of MATH 2940 , PHYS 2214 , and at least two of ENGRD 2100 /ECE 2100 , ECE 2200 , ECE 3400 , and ENGRD 2300 /ECE 2300  by the end of the sophomore year and adequate progress toward the degree in subsequent semesters.