Courses of Study 2011-2012 
    Mar 01, 2025  
Courses of Study 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Environmental Toxicology

In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .

Course Offerings 

There is both breadth and depth in many facets of environmental toxicology and related disciplines. The program offers a combination of research and didactic training that is designed to prepare students for solving the problems of modern toxicology. The graduate student may choose from three degree options: M.S., M.S./Ph.D., or Ph.D. Concentrations include cellular and molecular toxicology; nutritional and food toxicology; ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry; and risk assessment, management, and public policy. Research by the faculty associated with the program focuses on the interactions of drugs, pesticides, and other potentially hazardous environmental agents with a wide variety of living organisms (including humans) as well as the ecosystems with which these organisms are associated. General information is available through the Environmental Toxicology office in 114 Stocking Hall, or through their website.


B. A. Ahner, A. J. Baeumner, K. W. Beyenbach, S. E. Bloom, K. J. Boor, P. R. Bowser, D. L. Brown, J. W. Casey, E. Cooch, R. Davisson, R. R. Dietert, R. A. Durst, J. W. Gillett, A. G. Hay, A. Hedge, L. V. Kochian, A. T. Lemley, L. W. Lion, R. H. Liu, E. L. Madsen, M. B. McBride, C. McCormick, A. Nikitin, B. U. Pauli, R. Richardson, M. Roberson, E. Rodriguez, J. G. Scott, M. L. Shuler, S. M. Snedeker, D. A. Soderlund, J. R. Stedinger, B. J. Strupp, D. Tumbar, O. K. Vatamaniuk, D. A. Weinstein, R. S. Weiss, D. B. Wilson, A. Yen