Courses of Study 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Civil and Environmental Engineering
In the College of Engineering .
Course Offerings
P. L-F. Liu, director; J.T. Jenkins, associate director; L. Banks-Sills, J. J. Bisogni, Jr., W. H. Brutsaert, P. G. Carr, E. A. Cowen, R. A. Daziano, P. J. Diamessis, C. Earls, H. O. Gao, K. Gebremedhin, J. M. Gossett, M. D. Grigoriu, D. A. Haith, K. C. Hover, A. R. Ingraffea, L. W. Lion, D. P. Loucks, L. K. Nozick, T. D. O’Rourke, W.D. Philpot, R. E. Richardson, C. A. Shoemaker, J. R. Stedinger, H. E. Stewart, C. H. Trautmann, M. A. Turnquist, F.M. Vanek, D. Warner, F. Wayno, M. Weber-Shirk
Civil Engineering:
Offered by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Contact: 221 Hollister Hall, (607) 255-3412,
This major is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
While it is not necessary to do so, students may focus in environmental engineering, environmental fluid mechanics and hydrology, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation, or water resource systems. Admission Requirements:
Students planning to affiliate with this major must complete ENGRD 2020 - Statics and Mechanics of Solids with at least C. It is strongly recommended that ENGRD 2020 be taken as an engineering distribution during the first semester of the sophomore year. Engineering Distribution Courses:
Majors are required to take ENGRD 2020 - Statics and Mechanics of Solids as an engineering distribution course. For the second engineering distribution course, one of the following is recommended: Major Program:
Students may substitute CHEM 2080 or CHEM 1570 for PHYS 2214 . The following nine courses are required in addition to those required for the Common Curriculum. Additional requirements:
Include a set of two major-approved electives, one capstone design and two design electives from a list of approved courses that is available in Hollister 221. In addition, students must complete one technical communications course from among the courses designated ENGRC or approved communications courses. If the technical communications course also fulfills another requirement (liberal studies, major approved elective, etc.), then an additional advisor-approved elective must be taken. Students must also complete an additional science course beyond the science requirements in the common curriculum. This course may be selected from a list available in Hollister 221 or approved by petition. Note:
ENGRD 3200 can be used to satisfy a major requirement. If a student elects to use one of these courses as a second distribution course, the student must take an additional major-approved elective to fulfill the core course requirements.
†ENGRD 2700 may be substituted (by petition) for CEE 3040 in the major, but only if ENGRD 2700 is taken before affiliation, or in some special cases where co-op or study abroad programs necessitate such a substitution.
**Students may substitute CEE 3720 or CEE 4710 for either CEE 3510 or CEE 3610 , if they also complete either CEE 4730 or CEE 4740 . However, CEE 3720 or CEE 4710 then counts as a core course only and not as a CEE design course or major-approved elective. Academic Standing
Majors in Civil Engineering are expected to meet the following standards:
- Semester GPA ≥ 2.0
- Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.0
- *A semester GPA ≥ 2.0 in Core Courses, Design Courses, Major-approved Electives, and Engineering Distribution Courses(Tech GPA).
- *At most one grade below C- in Core Courses, Design Courses, Major-approved Electives, and Engineering Distribution Courses.
- 12 credit hours each semester
- No failing grades
*Grade(s) below C- in these courses beyond the first will require that the course(s) so graded be repeated. (The College of Engineering also requires that each course in the required mathematics sequence - 1910, 1920, 2930, 2940 - be passed with a grade of C- or better.) Civil Engineering Honors Program:
The B.S. degree with honors is granted to engineering students who satisfy the requirements given on the “Undergraduate Study and Graduation Requirements ” page as well as the following requirements.
The 9 credits beyond the B.S. degree requirements shall be drawn from the following components (with no fewer than 2 credits in any selected component):
- A significant research experience or honors project under the direct supervision of a CEE faculty member using CEE 4000 - Senior Honors Thesis (1–6 credits per semester). A significant written report or senior honors thesis must be submitted as part of this component. Letter grades only.
- A significant teaching experience under the direct supervision of a faculty member or as part of a regularly recognized course in the College of Engineering, i.e., CEE 4010 - Undergraduate Engineering Teaching in CEE (1–3 credits per semester).
- Advanced or graduate courses at the 5000 level or above.
Students must apply no later than the beginning of the first semester of their senior year but are encouraged to apply as early as the first semester of their junior year. All honors program students must be in the program for at least two semesters before graduation. Students must enter with and maintain a cumulative GPA equal or greater than 3.50. Each applicant to the CEE Honors Program must have a faculty advisor or faculty member to supervise the student’s individual program. (This need not be the student’s faculty advisor.) Applications can be obtained from Hollister 221. Each program must be approved by the CEE Curriculum Committee, although the committee may delegate approval authority to the associate director for all but unusual proposals. Environmental Engineering:
Offered jointly by the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Contact: BEE Office, 207 Riley-Robb Hall, (607) 255-2173,, or CEE Office, 221 Hollister Hall, (607) 255-3412,
Environmental Engineering is the study and practice of analyzing, designing, and managing natural and engineered systems in ways consistent with the maintenance or enhancement of environmental amenities and sustainability. It requires the ability to predict interactions and impacts among natural and engineering-system components at various spatial and temporal scales in response to alternative projects and design and management policies. It requires a thorough understanding of interactions among the natural environment, the constructed environment, and human activities.
Students matriculating in the College of Engineering (CoE) may affiliate with this major in their second year. Students matriculating in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) may enroll in this major in their first semester. This major requires that students take the following courses: Mathematics-science core requirements:
Introduction to engineering (b): (3 Credits)
Engineering distribution courses (†):
Recommended: (3-4 Credits)
Introductory Biology: (3-4 Credits)
To satisfy the biology requirement select from: Earth Science (one from the following list): (3-4 Credits)
Laboratory Course (one from the following list): (3 Credits)
Engineering Economics: (3-4 Credits)
Technical communications course (f):
Three environmental design electives:
at least one from list of capstone design courses and the remainder from list of design courses 9-credit minimum (g) Additional Requirements:
- Two major-approved engineering electives to complete total credit requirement (h) (6)
- First-year writing seminar (6)
- Two approved electives (6)
- Liberal studies (18)
Total credits (minimum): 126
- BEE 1510 and BEE 1200 together (5 credits) satisfy the ENGRI requirement for CALS– matriculated first-year students. Students using BEE 1200 and BEE 1510 to satisfy the ENGRI requirement must make up the 2-credit difference with engineering course work.
- COE matriculated students must complete one ENGRI 1XXX course their first year. CALS matriculated students may complete BEE 1510 and BEE 1200 to meet the requirement.
- Students using this course as a second engineering distribution must take an additional major-approved elective.
- ENGRD 2700 (f,s,3) may be accepted (by petition) to substitute for CEE 3040 if taken prior to affiliation with the Environmental Engineering major or if necessary because of scheduling conflicts caused by co-op or study abroad.
- Students may take BIOMI 2900 - General Microbiology Lectures in place of CEE 4510 .
- If the course fulfilling the technical writing requirement also fulfills another requirement (e.g., liberal studies, major-approved elective), then it may be used to satisfy both requirements.
- To be chosen from a list of design courses.
- The list of suggested courses covers the areas of environmental engineering, hydraulics/hydrology, environmental systems engineering, geotechnical engineering, remote sensing, air pollution, and renewable energy systems. The respective lists are available online or at the departmental offices.
Academic Standing
Majors in Environmental Engineering are expected to meet the following standards:
- Semester GPA ≥ 2.0
- Cumulative GPA ≥ 2.0
- *A semester GPA ≥ 2.0 in Core Courses, Design Courses, Major-approved Electives, and Engineering Distribution Courses(Tech GPA).
- *At most one grade below C- in Core Courses, Design Courses, Major-approved Electives, and Engineering Distribution Courses.
- 12 credit hours each semester
- No failing grades
*Grade(s) below C- in these courses beyond the first will require that the course(s) so graded be repeated. (The College of Engineering also requires that each course in the required mathematics sequence - 1910, 1920, 2930, 2940 - be passed with a grade of C- or better.) Environmental Engineering Honors Program:
Students interested in pursuing an honors program should contact the office of the undergraduate program director of Biological and Environmental Engineering or the associate director of Civil and Environmental Engineering for information on the program requirements. |