Courses of Study 2016-2017 
    Mar 13, 2025  
Courses of Study 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Opportunities

In the College of Human Ecology .

 Study Abroad

Each year over 75 Human Ecology students spend a semester or more off campus in places spanning the globe, from Australia to Zaire. There they supplement their Cornell studies with a wide range of cross-cultural and academic experiences. Study-abroad opportunities are available through Cornell–sponsored programs and other U.S. college–sponsored programs as well as by direct enrollment at foreign universities.

Exchange Programs

Exchange programs offer a unique opportunity for Human Ecology Students to take classes in some of the best Universities abroad in order to gain a global outlook from their fields.  They have been hand picked by Human Ecology Faculty to offer the best curriculum matches with Human Ecology Departments. We have faculty and student connections at these institutions that provide another layer of support.  Students take classes in their majors alongside degree-seeking students from the host Universities.  In exchange students from the partner Universities study in Human Ecology and enrich the experience of Cornell students in Ithaca.  Nearly all partner institutions in non-English speaking countries offer a wide range of classes taught in English.  Students are billed their regular Human Ecology tuition with no additional fees.  We have Exchange Partners in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.  For more information, see the Human Ecology Exchange Program website.

Residency Requirements

All study-abroad students must meet college study-abroad requirements and remain registered at Cornell during the overseas study. Credits earned count toward the 60 Cornell credits required for graduation (in unusual circumstances some credits earned abroad may be considered as transfer credit).

Requirements for College Approval

  1. GPA of 3.0 or higher, good academic standing, and well-articulated goals for students’ study abroad semester.
  2. Completion of the Cornell application; applications from individual programs also must be submitted to Cornell.
  3. Completion of the equivalent of 15 semester credits per semester while abroad.
  4. Courses taken for a letter grade (unless course is offered with only an S–U option).
  5. Submission of a petition by second-semester seniors going abroad.

Application Process

Typically, students considering study abroad begin their planning at least a year before the semester abroad. Students should carefully consider what they hope to get out of a study-abroad experience (academically and culturally) when investigating program options. Resources can be found in the Cornell Abroad office (300 Caldwell Hall), through the Human Ecology study-abroad advisor (170 MVR), or in the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center (162 MVR). Completed applications must be submitted to the Human Ecology registrar’s office by the following dates:

  Fall and year deadlines: February 1
  Spring deadline: September 15

Some programs will be filled by these dates. Use of the early deadlines is strongly recommended. These are:

  Fall and year deadlines: December 15
  Spring deadline: May 1

Approved applications will be signed and forwarded to the respective programs through the Cornell Abroad office.

Credits Abroad and Transfer of Credit

Most study abroad courses are transferred to the Cornell degree program as electives or liberal arts distribution credit. Study abroad credit awarded toward one’s major is much less common and must be approved via signature of the student’s department advising coordinator on the Cornell application. Credit for study abroad will be awarded only after successful completion of the semester abroad (marks equivalent to a Cornell grade of C or higher) and receipt of the official transcript by the college. Official transcripts should be sent to the Cornell Abroad office, which will process and forward them to the Human Ecology registrar.

Courses must be pre-approved before the student’s departure. Any variances must be cleared with Human Ecology. Students must include a foreign language course in the country’s native language if studying in a country where English is not the native language. All courses taken abroad and grades received will appear on the Cornell transcript. Grades earned do not, however, become part of the Cornell GPA. Students should save all written work from all classes until courses are officially transferred.

Independent Research

Research opportunities for undergraduates are extensive and valued as an important part of the learning experience. The opportunity to engage in substantive research with some of the leading scientists in their fields is so compelling that approximately half of the college’s undergraduates conduct research projects. Students may become involved in research with the guidance of faculty members by conducting research assigned in a class, joining a faculty member’s research group, completing an independent study research project, or carrying out an honors program project.

For further information, students should contact individual faculty members or the director of undergraduate studies in their department.

Honors Programs

Students interested in college honors programs that lead to the degree “bachelor of science with honors” usually apply to the appropriate honors committee no later than the end of the first semester of their junior year. A minimum GPA of 3.3 and demonstrated potential for honors-level research is required. Students take approved courses in research methodology and evaluation, attend honors seminars, complete a written thesis, and defend it in an oral examination. Students who are interested in the honors program should contact the director of undergraduate studies in their department or division for information and guidelines.

Field Study and Internships

Field study and internships provide experiential learning opportunities in real-life circumstances where classroom knowledge is tested and applied. Students are able to master new skills, develop and implement plans of action, solve problems, interact in multicultural situations, and build networks for future job opportunities. By applying techniques of research methods, critical thinking, and self-directed learning, students learn to think conceptually while becoming agents of change.

Check with the director of undergraduate studies for major-specific information. The Career Exploration Center (162 MVR) and career counselors in 172 MVR also can provide resources and assistance in finding internships and other experiential opportunities.


The College of Human Ecology formally recognizes as concentrations computer information sciences and international relations (both administered by the College of Arts and Sciences). Students interested in pursuing these concentrations should inquire with the college department offering them. If successfully completed before graduation, these concentrations will be posted as part of the student’s official transcript.

Students may develop an unofficial concentration in additional fields taught at Cornell by taking 12 credits in an approved area. Africana studies, communications, and business are just a few examples of concentrations that are possible. While these unofficial concentrations are not part of a student’s transcript, students may choose to publicize these concentrations on their personal résumés.


A student may pursue a minor in any department in any college that offers them, subject to limitations placed by the department offering the minor or by the student’s major. Completed minors will appear on the student’s transcript. Not all departments offer minors. Consult the appropriate section in this catalog or contact the appropriate department for information on minors offered and how to pursue a minor. The following minors are offered by Human Ecology departments/divisions:

Minor in Applied Exercise Science

A minor in applied exercise science may be completed by undergraduates majoring in NS-CHE, HBHS, and NS-CALS. The minor is completed through Ithaca College’s Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. This program is helpful to students seeking positions in nutrition and physical fitness or pursuing careers in sports medicine and related fields.

Minor in Design and Environmental Analysis

The Department of Design and Environmental Analysis offers a minor open to Cornell undergraduate students. Earning a minor requires a minimum of 15 credit hours of work within DEA.

Minor in Fiber Science

Questions should be addressed to Valorie Adams, undergraduate coordinator, or Prof. Charlotte Jirousek, director of undergraduate studies.

Minor in Gerontology

Program requirements may be obtained online at; from the Human Ecology registrar’s office (146 MVR, (607) 255-2235); or from the program coordinator Nancy Wells, Design and Environmental Analysis (E220 MVR, (607) 254-6330).

Minor in Global Health

The Cornell University Global Health Program offers a minor in global health. The Global Health minor is intended to complement any academic major offered at the University and to provide students with basic knowledge about global health as well as the necessary skills and experience to begin to build their own unique global health career. The minor is open to all undergraduate students in all colleges.

Minor in Health Policy

Questions should be addressed to Angela Downing, undergraduate coordinator, or Tom Evans, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Minor in Law & Regulation

Questions should be addressed to Angela Downing, undergraduate coordinator, or Tom Evans, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Minor in Policy Analysis and Management

Questions should be addressed to Angela Downing, undergraduate coordinator, or Tom Evans, Director of Undergraduate Studies.