Jan 18, 2025
Courses of Study 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
City and Regional Planning|
Undergraduate Program in Urban and Regional Studies:
- CRP 1100 - The American City
- CRP 1101 - The Global City
- CRP 2000 - The Promise and Pitfalls of Contemporary Planning
- CRP 2010 - People, Planning, and Politics in the City
- CRP 2610 - [Fieldwork in Urban Archaeology] (crosslisted)
- CRP 3000 - MentURS I
- CRP 3001 - MentURS II
- CRP 3011 - [Ethics, Development, and Globalization]
- CRP 3072 - Land Use, Environmental Planning, and Urban Design Workshop
- CRP 3171 - [Visual Communication and Analysis in Urban Design: Software Training for Urban Designers]
- CRP 3201 - Research Design and Qualitative Methods
- CRP 3210 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of Public Policy
- CRP 3270 - Regional Economic Impact Analysis
- CRP 3348 - Design Connect
- CRP 3430 - Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
- CRP 3555 - Environmental Impact Review
- CRP 3600 - [Pre-Industrial Cities and Towns in North America] (crosslisted)
- CRP 3610 - Seminar in American Urban History
- CRP 3720 - Contemporary Italy: Politics and Society
- CRP 3723 - European Cities
- CRP 3750 - Nilgiris Field Learning Center (NFLC) Preparatory Seminar
- CRP 3840 - Green Cities
- CRP 3850 - Special Topics in Planning
- CRP 3851 - Special Topics in Design
- CRP 3852 - Special Topics in Urban History, Society, and Politics
- CRP 3853 - Special Topics in Land Use and Environment
- CRP 3854 - Special Topics in Regional Development and Globalization (crosslisted)
- CRP 3855 - Special Topics in Planning Methods
- CRP 3860 - Planning for Sustainable Transportation
- CRP 3900 - City and Regional Futures: Planning Practice, Policy and Design
- CRP 4040 - Urban Economics (crosslisted)
- CRP 4080 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- CRP 4120 - Urban Public Management (crosslisted)
- CRP 4160 - Rome Workshop
- CRP 4440 - [Resource Management and Environment Law] (crosslisted)
- CRP 4590 - Land Use Law
- CRP 4680 - Introduction to Urban Data Science: Data, Interpretation, and Presentation (crosslisted)
- CRP 4770 - Seminar on Issues in African Development (crosslisted)
- CRP 4900 - Student-Faculty Research
- CRP 4920 - Undergraduate Honors Thesis Research
- CRP 4930 - Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing
- CRP 4940 - URS Internship
- CRP 4970 - Independent Study
Graduate Courses and Seminars:
Courses numbered from 5000 to 5990 and 6000 to 6990 are generally considered introductory or first-year graduate courses; those numbered from 7000 to 7990 and 8000 to 8990 are generally considered more advanced. Undergraduate students with the necessary prerequisites and permission of the instructor may enroll in courses numbered 5000 and above. - CRP 5000 - Modular Course
- CRP 5040 - Urban Economics
- CRP 5071 - City and Regional Planning Workshop
- CRP 5072 - Land Use, Environmental Planning, and Urban Design Workshop
- CRP 5073 - Historic Preservation Planning Workshop
- CRP 5074 - Economic and Community Development Workshop
- CRP 5076 - International Planning and Development Workshop
- CRP 5077 - International Planning and Development Field Studies
- CRP 5080 - Introduction to GIS for Planners
- CRP 5120 - Public and Spatial Economics for Planners
- CRP 5130 - Introduction to Planning Practice and History
- CRP 5160 - Rome Workshop
- CRP 5171 - [Visual Communication and Analysis in Urban Design: Software Training for Urban Designers]
- CRP 5172 - NYC Workshop: Land Use, Environmental Planning, and Design
- CRP 5173 - NYC Studio: Integrated Urbanism as a Platform for Engagement
- CRP 5174 - NYC Colloquium: Professional Practice
- CRP 5190 - Urban Theory
- CRP 5250 - Methods for Spatial Economic and Demographic Analysis
- CRP 5320 - Real Estate Development Process I
- CRP 5321 - Real Estate Development Process II
- CRP 5348 - Design Connect
- CRP 5370 - Real Estate Seminar Series
- CRP 5440 - [Resource Management and Environmental Law]
- CRP 5450 - Inferential Statistics for Planning and Public Policy
- CRP 5460 - [Introduction to Community and Environment Dispute Resolution]
- CRP 5530 - Land Use and Spatial Planning Methods
- CRP 5545 - Urban Adaptation to Climate Change
- CRP 5555 - Environmental Impact Review
- CRP 5560 - Creating the Built Environment
- CRP 5561 - Innovation and Strategy in Commercial Real Estate Development
- CRP 5562 - Zoning, Entitlements and Subdivision Regulations
- CRP 5563 - Real Estate Project Workshop
- CRP 5565 - Urban Economics and Real Estate Markets
- CRP 5590 - Land Use Law
- CRP 5600 - Documentation for Preservation
- CRP 5610 - Historic Preservation Planning Workshop: Surveys
- CRP 5620 - Perspectives on Preservation (crosslisted)
- CRP 5630 - Problems in Contemporary Preservation Practice
- CRP 5640 - Building Materials Conservation
- CRP 5660 - Planning and Preservation Practice: Urban Field Trip
- CRP 5661 - Planning and Preservation Practice: Work Weekend
- CRP 5662 - Planning and Preservation Practice: Preservation National Conference
- CRP 5670 - Measured Drawing
- CRP 5680 - Introduction to Urban Data Science: Data, Interpretation, and Presentation (crosslisted)
- CRP 5720 - Contemporary Italy: Politics and Society
- CRP 5723 - European Cities
- CRP 5820 - [Principles of Site Planning and Urban Design]
- CRP 5840 - Green Cities
- CRP 5850 - Special Topics
- CRP 5851 - Special Topics in Design
- CRP 5852 - Special Topics in Urban History, Society, and Politics
- CRP 5861 - Graphic Communications
- CRP 6011 - [Ethics, Development, and Globalization]
- CRP 6090 - Special Topics in Urban and Regional Theory
- CRP 6120 - Urban Public Management (crosslisted)
- CRP 6190 - Special Topics: Planning Theory and Politics
- CRP 6201 - Research Design and Qualitative Methods
- CRP 6270 - Regional Economic Impact Analysis
- CRP 6290 - Advanced Topics in GIS
- CRP 6430 - Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
- CRP 6490 - Special Topics: Social-Policy Planning
- CRP 6560 - Real Estate Transactions and Deal Structuring
- CRP 6565 - International Cases and Contracts
- CRP 6580 - Residential and Commercial Development
- CRP 6590 - Special Topics: Urban Development Planning
- CRP 6591 - Special Topics: Commercial Development in Real Estate
- CRP 6592 - Special Topics: Retail Development in Real Estate
- CRP 6593 - Special Topics: Introduction to Green Real Estate
- CRP 6594 - Real Estate Competitions: UT Austin
- CRP 6595 - Special Topics in Real Estate
- CRP 6596 - Real Estate Competitions I: ULI Hines
- CRP 6597 - Real Estate Competitions II: ULI Hines
- CRP 6610 - Seminar in American Urban History
- CRP 6630 - Historic Preservation Law
- CRP 6640 - Economics and Financing of Neighborhood Conservation and Preservation
- CRP 6650 - Preservation Planning and Urban Change
- CRP 6660 - [Pre-Industrial Cities and Towns in North America] (crosslisted)
- CRP 6690 - Special Topics in History and Preservation
- CRP 6720 - International Institutions
- CRP 6770 - Seminar on Issues in African Development (crosslisted)
- CRP 6860 - Planning for Sustainable Transportation
- CRP 6890 - Special Topics in Environmental Planning
- CRP 6900 - Graduate Seminar in Rome
- CRP 6901 - Real Estate Review
- CRP 7190 - Special Topics in Planning Theory and Politics
- CRP 7201 - Ph.D. Research Design (crosslisted)
- CRP 7850 - City and Regional Futures: Planning Practice, Policy and Design
- CRP 7970 - Independent Study for Graduate Students
- CRP 8010 - [Advanced Seminar in Urban and Regional Theory II (Location Theory)]
- CRP 8100 - [Seminar in Advanced Planning Theory]
- CRP 8300 - Seminar in Regional Science, Planning, and Policy Analysis
- CRP 8900 - Planning Research Seminar
- CRP 8901 - M.R.P. Exit Project: Research
- CRP 8902 - M.R.P. Exit Project: Research Paper-Writing
- CRP 8904 - M.R.P. Exit Project: Professional Report-Writing
- CRP 8906 - M.R.P. Exit Project: Thesis-Writing
- CRP 8910 - Master’s Thesis in Regional Science
- CRP 8950 - Master’s Thesis in Historic Preservation Planning
- CRP 9920 - Doctoral Dissertation