NS Major in Human Ecology
NS Major in Human Ecology
The requirements listed below pertain to all students matriculating in August 2022 and January 2023.
In addition to college requirements , students in the NS Major must complete specific requirements listed here.
Introductory Chemistry
Introductory Chemistry (8 credits)
This fulfills the college distribution natural sciences requirement.
Choose one of the following options:
(a) CHEM 2070 - General Chemistry I (4 cr) and CHEM 2080 - General Chemistry II (4 cr)1
(b) (AP Chemistry score of 5 or IB Chemistry score of 6 or 7) and CHEM 2080 - General Chemistry II (4 cr)2
(c) (AP Chemistry score of 5 or IB Chemistry score of 6 or 7) and CHEM 2150 - Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry (4 cr)3
1Recommended for nearly all students, especially those on or considering a pre-health (e.g. pre-med) track.
2Students may use an AP Chemistry score of 5 or an IB Chemistry score of 6 or 7 to place out of CHEM 2070. Pre-health (e.g. pre-med) students should not use AP scores to fulfill chemistry requirements. Students who take CHEM 2070 forfeit AP or IB credit.
3Students should only select option (c) if they are very strong in chemistry and are not considering a pre-health (e.g. pre-med) track.