Feb 07, 2025
MAE 4140 - Mechanics of Lightweight Vehicles Fall. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: MAE 2120 , MAE 3250 , and MAE 3272 or equivalent; senior standing in MAE. Fulfills Senior Design requirement if M.E. seniors enroll in corresponding section of MAE 4291 .
Covers fundamentals of vehicle mechanics for several classes of vehicles (bicycles, light cars, airframes). Topics include types of vehicle structures; pertinent aspects of mechanical behavior including elastic and inelastic responses; static and dynamic behavior of vehicles under elastic loading; and mechanics of crashworthiness. Lectures cover essential background material for understanding of vehicle mechanics. Labs provide hands-on experiences in the major components of the course.
Outcome 1: Students will be able to perform inelastic bound analyses of vehicle structure crashworthiness.
Outcome 2: Perform modal analyses of dynamic response of vehicle structures.
Outcome 3: Conduct experiments to measure: the collapse vehicle structures, the dynamic response of vehicle structures under oscillatory loading, and the mechanical properties of materials used to build vehicle structures.
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