Courses of Study 2012-2013 
    Jan 19, 2025  
Courses of Study 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Information Science


J. Birnholtz, L. Blume, C. Cardie, T. Choudhury, D. Cosley, D. Easley, S. Fussell, G. Gay, T. Gillespie, P. Ginsparg, C. Gomes,   F. Guimbretiere, J. Hancock, S. Jackson, T. Joachims, L. Lee, M. Macy, P. Sengers, E. Tardos, D. Williamson

Information Science, Systems, and Technology:

Offered jointly by the Department of Information Science and the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering

Contact: 303 Upson Hall, (607) 255-9837,, or 202 Rhodes Hall, (607) 255-5088,

Digital information technologies have become pervasive in science, engineering, manufacturing, business, finance, culture, law, and government, dramatically changing the way people work and live. The proliferation and significance of these new technologies demands a new focus in engineering education—one that remains rigorous and technically oriented but is simultaneously devoted to integrating engineering design, theory, and practice within the social and organizational contexts in which these complex digital information systems are employed.

The information science, systems, and technology (ISST) major studies the design and management of complex information systems. Just as structural engineers and nanofabricators use physics at radically different scales, so also there is a scale difference between the focus of the ISST major and the more traditional, look-under-the-hood majors in computer science and operations research and industrial engineering. Rather than focusing on the computing and communication technologies that underlie digital information systems, the ISST major emphasizes information systems engineering in broad application contexts, where issues at the confluence of information science, technology, and management are the primary concerns.

The ISST major has two options. The management science option educates students in methods for quantitative decision making and their application to information technology as well as the broader role that information technology plays in making these methods effective. Students in the information science option will obtain advanced training in methods for the creation, representation, organization, access, and analysis of information in digital form.

Note: Students may not double major in both CS and ISST or ORIE and ISST.

Engineering distribution courses:

Majors are required to take ENGRD 2700 - Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics  as an engineering distribution course. ENGRD 2110 - Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures  is required for the major and is recommended as the second engineering distribution course.

Major program:

Requirements for the information science option:

  1. Three courses from Information Systems (Area II).
  2. One course from Mathematical Modeling in IT (Area III).
  3. Three electives, all from either Human-Centered Systems (Area V) or Social Systems (Area VI).
  4. Two electives from any of the six areas totaling at least 6 credits (INFO 4900  may be used to fulfill one of these electives).

Requirements for the management science option:

  1. Four courses from Mathematical Models in Management Science (Area I).
  2. Three electives, one from Information Systems (Area II) and two from the union of Mathematical Modeling in IT (Area III) and Information Technology Management Solutions (Area IV).
  3. Two electives from any of the six areas totaling at least 6 credits (INFO 4900  may be used to fulfill one of these electives).

*INFO 3300 , INFO 4300 , and INFO 4302  may be used toward the core requirements or Area III but not both.

INFO 4320  may count toward Area II or Area V but not both.


*Students who take PSYCH 3420  may also count their prerequisite, PSYCH 2050  or PSYCH 3140 . Students who take PSYCH 3800  may also count PSYCH 2800 . At most one of these 2000-level prerequisites can be counted.

INFO 4320  may count toward Area II or Area V but not both.


*Only one of ECON 3680  and ORIE 4350  may be taken for ISST credit.

†Students who take ECON 3680  may also count its prerequisite, ECON 3130 , toward Area VI.

Information Science, Systems, and Technology Honors Program:

The B.S. degree with honors is granted to engineering students who satisfy the requirements given on the “Undergraduate Study and Graduation Requirements ” page as well as the following requirements.

  1. 3 credit hours of ISST course work at or above the 5000-level (no S–U courses; no seminars or 2 credit courses)
  2. 6 credit hours of INFO 4900 - Independent Reading and Research  with an ISST faculty member, spread over at least two semesters, with at least A– each semester 


    3 credit hours of INFO 4900 - Independent Reading and Research  with an ISST faculty member and 3 credit hours of INFO 4910 - Teaching in Information Science, Systems, and Technology , both with grades of at least A–.

The ISST research is expected to result in a programming project or a written report (or both).

The 9 credits required for honors are in addition to the minimum requirements for the major.


Each program must be approved by the appropriate co-director of the ISST major, and any changes to the student’s program must also be approved.