Feb 16, 2025
PSYCH 4260 - [Cognitive Behavioral Ecology] (crosslisted) COGST 4260 (PBSS-AS, BIO-AS) Fall. Not offered: 2021-2022. Next offered: 2022-2023. 4 credits. Student option grading.
Prerequisite: a course in evolution is strongly recommended. Co-meets with PSYCH 6260 . For NBB concentration: this course may be used toward the additional 7 credit requirement, but does not qualify as an advanced course.
A. Ophir.
Focusses on the ecology and evolution of the neuronal processes concerned with the acquisition, retention, and use of information. We will discuss the potential for natural selection to shape cognitive traits, the ways in which these influences can be studied, and the observable consequences of this process.
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