E. Tardos, chair; R. Agarwal, L. Alvisi, Y. Artzi, K. Bala, S. Belongie, A. Benson, T. Bhattacharjee, D. Bindel, K. Birman, R. Brachman, A. Bracy, C. Cardie, E. Chattopadhyay, M. Clarkson, R. L. Constable, A. Damle, A. Davis, C. De Sa, K. Ellis, D. Estrin, D. Fan, N. Foster, C. Gomes, D. Greenberg, D. Gries, J. Halpern, B. Hariharan, H. Hirsh, J. Hsu, T. Joachims, A. Juels, J. Kleinberg, R. Kleinberg, D. Kozen, V. Kuleshov, L. Lee, O. Legunsen, S. Marschner, G. Morrisett, C. Muhlberger, A. Myers, E. Pierson, R. Pass, T. Ristenpart, A. Rush, A. Sampson, F. B. Schneider, B. Selman, E. Shi, V. Shmatikov, D. Shmoys, A. Silva, E.G. Sirer, N. Snavely, K. Sridharan, N. Stephens-Davidowitz, W. Sun, E. Tardos, I. Trummer, C. Van Loan, R. Van Renesse, Anke Van Zuylen, H. Weatherspoon, K. Weinberger, W. White, R. Zabih.
Computer Science:
Offered by the Department of Computer Science
Contact: 110 Gates Hall, (607) 255-0982, or visit the Computer Science website. The Department of Computer Science is affiliated with both the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering. Students in either college may major in computer science. Computer science majors take courses covering algorithms, data structures, logic, programming languages, systems, and theory. Electives include artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer vision, databases, networks, and scientific computing. See the website for the most current information about requirements.